Flower - Patton x Logan

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They'll be a note at the end, you don't have to read it but

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They'll be a note at the end, you don't have to read it but...it'll be there

Patton sprinted across the green flowing grass towards the door of the imagination, in his hand a beautiful dark blue rose he found in his exploration.

He dashed out of the room and headed for Logans, knocking on the logical traits door he waited a few minutes but didn't get a response.

"Logan?" He called, biting his lip in anticipation. Again, nothing. He suspected him to be caught up in work so he walked in, noticing Logan asleep on his bed.

"Aw..." Patton grinned, walking up to him. He looked adorable when he slept.

Taking the rose from his hand he gently placed it in his ear, smiling softly. The flower didn't need to be in the ground to survive, it was magic so it'll last forever, it can't be crushed either.

His smile brightened when he noticed a small smile on Logans lips, he guessed it was from a dream. Planting a kiss on his cheek he left the room, gently closing the door after.

A few hours later Logan awoke, feeling something on his head he tiredly slapped around the side of his face.

"What...?" He mumbled, taking the flower from behind his ear. He put on his glasses and looked it over, confused.

"Patton" He mumbled, smiling.

The next day Logan left the imagination with a light blue rose in his hands, he knew Patton was taking a nap because he had been busy all day. He did the same as he suspected Patton did, walked into his room, placed the rose behind his ear and left.

When Patton woke up he squealed, looking at the flower with wide, happy eyes.

"LOGAN!" He yelled, running to the logical sides room. Logic was already outside of his room by the time he made it to him, still wearing his onesie.

"Did you get me this? I love it! Thank you, Logy!" He giggled, pecking his cheek.

Logan smiled, "I am glad, Love" pulling out his own rose he tapped it against Pattons.

"I love you!" Patton beamed, hugging him tightly.

"I love you too" Logan whispered, hugging back.

Soooooo....got some news

As I have said in the past (it's also in my bio) I'm a boy, a male, a dude

And that wasn't a lie but...I don't have the body of a male

I mean I'd be surprised if anyone read this but I just- I haven't told anyone and no one knows who I really am on this website so I guess it's fine if I say on here.  Also my parents would freak...I can't cut my hair or do anything so that's great.

I love life

If anyone else is, like, a transgender or anything and you have some words of advise I would appreciate it

You don't have to, I'm just a stupid irrelevant author but...idk, do you all hate me now? Probably

Sorry, just ignore what I said lolol

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