Glasses - Logan x Virgil

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Virgil crept into Logans room late at night, he looked over his sleeping boyfriend with a faint smile. But he didn't come in here to marvel at his beauty - he looked over at his bedside table and picked up his glasses, twirling them around his fingers.

"Sorry, Kitten" he shrugged, grinning.

The next morning Logan woke up groggily, he rolled onto his side and groaned, groping around for his glasses. He became confused when he couldn't find them, using his free hand he lifted himself up and squinted his eyes, looking around his bed, the floor, under his bed, everywhere.

When he finally gave up he pushed the blanket off of his body, slowly standing up he stumbled to his closet and got dressed as best he could being almost fully blind.

He tripped on his way to the door and groaned, rubbing the sore sport. He knew he wouldn't be able to function without some help so he called out for Virgil who appeared in an instant.


"I cannot see" Logan replied, helplessly looking up at the blurry figure in front of him, Virgil chuckled and helped him up.

"Where's your glasses?"

"I do not know, please help me - I hate not being in control" he asked, Virgil could detect a hint of pleading in his voice.

"Sure" Virgil wrapped his arms around the logical trait and helped him to the kitchen, sitting him down at the island in the middle.

The reason why Virgil took his glasses was because when Logan didn't have them he became more clingy, he put more trust into people than he usually did, and Virgil also loved it when he clung onto him while they walked.

Virgil made himself and Logan some breakfast, he directed his hand to the spoon and he was able to eat it without hassle.

Virgil rested his hand on Logans cheek, he could see the worry swimming in his eyes. Logan leaned into the touch, tilting his head ever so slightly.

"Thank you for helping me" Logan mumbled, putting his spoon in the bowl.

"My pleasure"

Virgil helped Logan to the living room and the two cuddled on the couch, Logan rested his head in the crook of Virgils neck, not looking  at anything around him because it made him feel nauseous.

Patton bounded into the room and covered his mouth, squealing into his hands. "Awe! Cute!" He giggled, Virgil sent him a small smile and Logan didn't reply.

"Hey, Pat?" Virgil asked before the fatherly trait left,

"Yeah, kiddo?"

"Could you help find Logans glasses?" Patton nodded and Virgil mouthed "they're in my room" so Logan couldn't hear. With a grin Patton disappeared.

Virgil felt Logan snuggle into him further. "I am sorry, I...-"

"I know, S'fine Logan, it when you're cuddly" Virgil blushed but Logan couldn't see it, obviously.

Logan wouldn't admit it but he was...a little scared, for him losing his glasses, especially with eyesight as bad as he has, it can be nerve racking when you suddenly see everything blurry.

Patton came back and handed Virgil the glasses, winking he vanished once more. Virgil put them on himself and tapped Logans shoulder, the logical trait hesitantly sat up and only focused on Virgils face, as it was the closest thing to him.

He squinted his eyes and leaned closer, "You...those...glasses" he managed, Virgil laughed and pressed a kiss to his lips which were only a few inches away.

"Here" placing the glasses on Logans face he sighed in relief, glancing around at his surroundings before looking at Virgil once more.

"Thank you, Dear"

"Y'know..." Virgil trailed off, nervously chewing his lip. "We can still...cuddle" he suggested. Logan smiled and they cuddled for another few hours, whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears.



Lol, no, but I still heard the noise haha

Also, dog

Also, dog

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