Hug - Virgil x Roman

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Virgil was laying on his bed, unmoving. He didn't even have the motivation to grab his earphones and listen to emo music. His stomach churned with an unknown emotion - he suddenly felt like Logan, not knowing why he felt so upset.

Nothing has happened recently and nothing from the past is bothering him - right now, anyway. What could it be?

As he thought more and more he realised he was holding his quilt weirdly, as if he was hugging someone.

Then, he suddenly understood.

He really wanted a hug.

Slowly rising from bed he trudged out of his room and to Romans, it was late in the evening - Logan being the only one asleep currently. He usually went to sleep around ten, as he wanted a good sleeping schedule.

Next it was Roman, then Virgil, and Patton was last - he wanted to make sure his kids all were asleep and okay.

The dark persona knocked on the white door, bobbing on his feet. The door swung open and the rather flamboyant side grinned at his boyfriend, "Hello Dearest! What brings you to my humble abode?"

Virgil stuttered on his words, not knowing why. He's been dating Roman for months, why now is he so worried about asking for a hug?

"It's...nothing, never mind" he mumbled, turning to leave when he stopped. The feeling of wanting a hug overpowering his bad thoughts. Quickly spinning to face the fanciful side once more he forced out his words in the most confidence voice he could muster.

"Could I have a hug?" He asked, Prince thought he looked so vulnerable right then he couldn't say no, not that he would want to.

"Of course!" Roman smiled, opening his arms. Virgil wasted no time, crashing into Romans arms quickly. The hug was warm and comforting, Virgils arms wrapped around his torso with Romans around his waist, both heads on the others shoulders, eyes closed.

"Thank you" Virgil breathed, not wanting to pull back yet.

"It's okay, Dearest, you don't have to ask for hugs" Roman added, kissing his cheek softly. Virgil blushed, smiling into his shoulder. He didn't respond, not seeing the need to.

Roman slowly picked him up, bringing him into his room and closing the door with his foot. He laid his adorable boyfriend on his bed, smiling down at him.

"Have I ever mentioned how cute you are?" He asked, caressing his cheek. Virgil blushed deeper, rolling his eyes fondly.

"Yes - everyday, dork"

Roman smiled, laying next to him and holding him close. "And I will keep reminding you till our dying days..."

"Fingers crossed those days are tomorrow" Virgil joked.

Roman chuckled lightly. "What an emo thing to say..."

"I am an emo nightmare"

"My emo nightmare..."

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