Kidnapped 2 - Logan x Patton x Roman x Virgil

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"Roman please...please stop taking the blame" Virgil begged their over protective boyfriend as he collapsed in the room after being shoved in by Fred who just punished him for breaking the rules even if it was Patton who did so.

"And let any of you get hurt? No" he coughed, sitting up slowly. None of them knew how long had passed but it's felt like weeks, none of them were chained up anymore but all to weak to run or fight Fred back.

Logan looked at his injures as Patton watched, hand over mouth. He felt so bad for breaking a rule and hurting Roman...he was such an idiot.

"We escape" Roman wheezed, gritting his teeth as Logan cleaned a deep cut on his arm.

"How?" Virgil mumbled, keeping Romans head in his lap. "We're trapped, Roman" he muttered bitterly, his anger only towards Fred - that sick, inhumane, fuck.

He shook his head, clearing his throat weakly and looking up at Virgils face. "He holds keys" he spluttered up blood which made Patton whimper and turn away, whispering over and over again how sorry he was.

"Patton, come here" Roman called, Patton shuffled over and kissed him gently, crying once more.

"Where?" Logan asked, referring to the keys while Virgil rubbed Pattons back soothingly.

"In his back pocket, on the left, he has a set of keys...I'll break the rules-"

"No" They all said at the exact same time in the same stern tone, Roman slowly sat up, shaking his head. "I can't let you get hurt-"

"Roman! Can't you see?! Next time he punishes you you'll die! If you don't want us hurt you will let someone else get punished. Please, Roman" Virgil begged, eyes pleading.

"He is right, Roman, you will die from blood loss...I volunteer-"

"No, I'll go" Patton sniffled, making the others stare at him in surprise. "I've broken the most rules...please" he whispered.

They all shook their heads and Patton bit his lip, staying silent. "I will go"

"Are you sure?" Virgil asked, looking at Logan. The logical side nodded, "I cannot see - if I can't see his face I should be fine" he joked, smiling slightly.

"What's the plan?" Virgil asked Roman who jerked awake. "Um..." he thought for a few seconds.

"Next time he comes in...wait, Logan cannot go"

"Why not?" He questioned. "You are the only" Romans head titled forward until he snapped awake once more, "one who can take the keys without him realising" he mumbled tiredly, "I'll go, then" Virgil offered.

"Okay, it is agreed" Logan nodded.

After they all prepared themselves Virgil began to scream loudly, not long after they heard heavy footsteps pound up the stairs. Virgil shut up as they heard keys jingle before the door swung open and fat Fred showed himself.

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