Blind - Logan x Roman

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No one expected it to happen. Logan never knew something like this could happen, it was so sudden and random...he hasn't done anything to cause it, it just...happened.

It was on an early summer morning. The night before the sides including Thomas had fallen asleep on the couches while watching a movie - Logan being the first to wake up.

He groaned and rubbed his eyes, putting on his glasses before sitting up and opening them.

Only...something was wrong.

He blinked, he blinked again, and again, and again.

He began to slightly panic, rubbing his eyes a few times and blinking another ten. His breathing quickened, he knew he was moving his eyes but he..he couldn't see anything


Pitch black. Nothing.

He knew it wasn't night time either because you could see the outlines of things - no, it wasn't dark.

He's blind.

The mere thought only made him panic more, his body began to shake, his breathing quickened, he needed someone, anyone.

Groping around the blanket his hands landed on a body, he shook them quickly, tears springing in his eyes. "Please- I-I do not know what has happened, whoever you are please wake up" he begged. The person stirred and rolled over, Logan kept his hands on him but when he sat up he made a small cry.


"Logan? What's wrong?" He heard Roman ask, then a hand grabbed his own which was still outstretched.

"Ro-Roman I...I cannot see!"

"What? You can't see?"

"That is what I said"

"Sorry - I'm..I'm confused. What do you mean?"

"I mean what I say! I cannot see, Roman! All I can see is darkness, please - I do not know what to do" Logan sobbed, clinging onto his hand.

A hand rested on his cheek, the thumb gently caressing the skin underneath. "Your eyes..." Roman whispered.

"What about them?!" Logan asked frantically, his thoughts running wild.

"They're...grey, what happened?"

"I woke up and I could not see! Roman I-....I am blind"

"How is this possible?" Logan felt Roman shuffle closer, Logan didn't know which is what scared him the most. He slowly moved his hands forward until he touched Roman, easing his arms around the royal trait Logan hid his face on his shoulder.

Roman hugged him back, closing his own eyes.

" scared" he whispered, snivelling.

"It'll be okay, I promise to help you any possible way I can, I'm so sorry this happened to you, Gumdrop"

Logans soft cries turned to sobs, his lack of vision giving him a lack of control and he hated it

"P-promise? I cannot do-do this alone"

"I promise"

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