Cupid - Virgil x Logan

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Cute ^—

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Cute ^

"We absolutely must get those two together!" Roman whispered/yelled at Patton, they were both watching Logan and Virgil sitting quite close to each other on the couch, talking to one another while one read and the other scrolled through tumblr.

They laughed occasionally - it was a rarity from both.

"How?" Patton whispered back with a grin, fully up for the idea. Roman whispered to him a few ideas and Patton agreed to them all.

Their first plan was to lock them in a small enclosure but that didn't work as they could...teleport.

Their next idea was to move one of them in the middle of the night to the others bed.

"How shall we do this?" Roman asked Patton, they were both standing in the living room at three in the morning. Patton hummed and walked to the couch, pulling out the bed.

"I'll get Virgil, you'll get Logan and we'll cuddle them up to each other on this bed!" He grinned.

"Yes, brilliant idea!" He grinned and they set the plan into action. It wasn't hard for Roman to pick up Logan and carry him to the living room couch bed as he was a deep sleeper but Patton knew he had to be quiet and careful.

He slowly picked the dark trait up in his arms, walking a snails pace to the living room where Roman waited patiently. He peeled back the covers and Patton laid him down on the bed, Virgil instantly rolled onto his side, his back facing Logan, he also cuddled the blanket closer to his body.

Patton cooed silently while Roman pushed Logan cover a bit, pressing him softly into Virgils back. Patton moved Logans arm over Virgil and the two disappeared to their rooms.

The next morning Virgil woke up cuddled up to Logans chest, his head under his chin. He groaned and stretched, realising where he was. Rolling his eyes he rubbed his tired eyelids and teleported to his room where he...fell asleep again.

Roman and Patton were highly disappointed.

While they were planning out their next attempt Logan and Virgil stood not too far away, listening in on their conversation.

"When will we inform them?" Logan asked his boyfriend.

Virgil shrugged, "what that" he paused, turning to Roman and Patton. "We've been dating for two years!" He said loudly.

Roman and Patton turned to them so quickly they were surprised they were still standing, Virgil sent them a small glare before pulling Logan into a deep kiss by his tie, Logans eyes fell shut and his arms awkwardly resided by his sides.

Roman and Pattons mouths fell open, eyes wide.





Thanks for the request!

Thanks for the request!

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Literally it looks like Virgil is just closing his eyes

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Literally it looks like Virgil is just closing his eyes

Thomas Sanders Sides OneShots 2 Where stories live. Discover now