Island - No Ship

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Roman groaned and sat up, rubbing his back. He glanced around his surroundings, drawing his eyebrows together it took him a minute to realise where he was until...

"OH MY DISNEY!" He screamed.

His screaming woke Virgil up with a fright, he sat up and whipped his head around, eyes widening.

"What...the...hell?" He muttered.

"They left us" Roman uttered in disbelief, spinning around in search for the cruise ship.

"THEY LEFT US!" He screamed again, Patton and Logan woke up, they to realised the position they were in.

"This is did they not notice a boat was missing?" Logan muttered, squinting his eyes as he looked into the distance.

"Oh god, we're gonna die" Virgil groaned.

"We will not die - We have to be smart about this" Logan denied his statement.

"I shall be the captain of his vessel because I am the best!" Roman declared, Logan sighed.

"The captain should be the smartest"

"Yes, me" Roman grinned.

"Do you have cookies?" Patton asked, Logan stared at him confused. "Cookies? Why would I have cookies?"

He gasped, "you forgot the cookies?!" He asked in disbelief. "I was not informed I was getting cookies-"

Patton wailed about the cookies again and Logan pinched the bridge of his nose. "We'll be eaten by a monster, oh god, I don't wanna die....wait"

"Virgil we are not dying!"

"I don't know whether to be happy or disappointed"


As everyone spoke over each other Logan screamed, "If no one shuts up everyone is going into the ocean!"

Everyone silenced and stared at the logical trait, "We will be fine" he looked at Virgil, "I am the captain" he glared at Roman, "and stop complaining about cookies" he finally looked at Patton who frowned.

Logan searched around the small boat and came across a box, he opened it and found some food, two bottles of water, a flare gun with ammo and a compass.

"A flare gun-!"

"No, you will shoot it at the wrong time" Logan instantly denied him access, Roman pouted and crossed his arms.

"I'm thirsty" Virgil complained. "We will have to limit our- Patton! What are you doing?!" Logan pulled Patton back up who made a face of disgust, "Don't drink the sea water" he mewled, coughing. Logan sighed and handed him the water, he took a small sip and gave it back to Logan.

"Do not drink it - ocean water makes you more dehydrated and it is in no means a reliable drinking source, unless we have a way of heating the water up but making a fire on a wooden boat does not seem like an option I am willing to take" Logan explained, opening the compass.

He hummed, "this way" he pointed towards Roman, "we are nearing an island, who knows how long it will take" closing the compass he sighed.

"Will we survive?" Patton asked, worried.

"Nope, we're gonna die from starvation" Virgil shrugged, "if dehydration doesn't get us first" Roman spoke up, crossing his arms.

Patton made a noise of worry and Logan glared at Virgil and Roman who held their hands up in defence.

"We will be fine - if someone mentions death one more time they will be the first to die and I will not hesitate to eat you" he spoke, going back to the box.

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