I love you two! - Patton x Thomas x Virgil

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Dear Thomas,

It's Patton! Hehe, I need to tell you something! Maybe we could meet by the Dream? The room down from the Imagination! Thank you!!

- Patton! :3

Patton grinned, "Perfect!" He whispered. He read over the other letter which was the exact same but instead of saying dear Thomas it says dear Virgil. He planted the notes outside of Virgils room, knowing Thomas was in there also.

He waited in the Dream, he set it so it looked like they were standing with a bunch of beautiful flowers surrounding them. Sitting down he decided made flower crowns to cure his boredom.

"How will we tell him?" Thomas asked Virgil, combing his fingers through his soft hair.

Virgil shrugged, completely cuddled up to Thomas's chest. "I don't know...are you sure we're gonna do this? What if he doesn't want to be apart of our...relationship? What if-"

"What if we just ask and stop worrying?" Thomas smiled, Virgil sighed but eventually agreed.

The two left his room and spotted the notes by their feet.

"It's from Patton" Thomas spoke, reading over his name on the front.

"How'd you know?" Virgil pondered, glancing at him. Thomas gave him a look like it was obvious, "who else adds hearts to their letters whenever possible?"


They both read the letters, afterwards looking at each other. "What does it say for you?"

"He wants to meet in the Dream"


"...should we go?"

"Why wouldn't we?" Thomas shrugged, smiling he held Virgils hand and happily headed to the Dream, Virgil following worriedly.

They reached the room and Thomas walked in, Patton lifted his head at the sudden noise and grinned, jumping up and disregarding the flower in his hand. He currently had three flower crown sitting on his head but he forgot about them. 

"Hi! Come in!" He gestured, Thomas looked at Virgil and he nodded slightly.

"What is it, Pat?" He smiled.

"I wanted to...say something, to both of you" he was hesitant and suddenly seemed nervous.

"Go on" Thomas encouraged.

"Okay" he breathed in deeply. "IknowyoutwoareinarelationshipbutIjustwantedtosayIlovebothofyou!" He rushed out quickly covering his mouth after, eyes wide.

"You...love us?" Virgil stammered, surprised he understood any of that. "Yeah...I'm sorry" he mumbled quietly. Thomas shook his head and walked closer, "no! It's okay! I think now would be a good time to say we love you too, Patton" he grinned.

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