Make Up Or Make Out - Roman x Logan & Thomas x Virgil

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Thomas and Virgil were sick, they don't know where it came from but it was so sudden Patton decided to help. Also he was the "Dad" so he felt compelled to look after his "children"

He made soup as Roman and Logan were bickering behind him, both arguing over who was more annoying.

"If you stopped singing all of the time we would not be having this argument" Logan muttered, crossing his arms and glaring at Roman who only opened his mouth into a wide 'o'

"My singing is glorious! It's your random facts that they started this whole thing!" Roman snapped back, putting a hand on his hip he jutted out.

As they carried on arguing Patton picked up the bowls of soup and turned to the two, sighing. "Guys!" He said, gaining their attention. "Just...make up or make out!" He giggled, winking and leaving the room.

He walked into the living room which was right next to the kitchen, smiling at Thomas and Virgil who were cuddling on the couch, both sniffling every few minutes. "Here you go" Patton spoke softly, placing the bowls on the table.

"Thanks, Pat" Thomas smiled weakly, closing his eyes and resting his head on top of Virgils.

"Thanks, Dad" Virgil mumbled, making him coo

"So cute" Thomas mumbled, rubbing Virgils arm rhythmically. "Don't start" Virgil groaned, Thomas only chuckled lightly and hugged his boyfriend closer to his body to gain more warmth.

Back with Roman and Logan Roman stared at Logan who was scanning his phone screen, Roman wanted to make up with him... he also wanted to make out with him...

Oh god, he thought, pinching his nose. Feelings.

Later that day Roman found Logan, stopping him from heading down the hall. "Hey...ner-" he coughed, "Logan? Can we talk?" Logan nodded, closing his book and looking at Roman with a blank stare. It was his usual look but it still kinda hurt.

"I'm sorry for what I sad earlier...your facts are actually pretty interesting" he smiled, scratching his neck.

Logan smiled slightly, "I apologise also...your singing can be quite soothing, at times"

Roman chuckled and stretched out his arms, "hug it out?" He offered. Logan agreed and the two shared a hug but none pulled away, both quickly realising they liked being in each other's arms.

They eventually pulled back. "Let's head to my room, I wish to speak more!" Roman smiled, Logan nodded and looked down at Romans hand which was outstretched towards him. With hesitance he took it in his own, a smile brightening on his lips.

The two headed down the hallway, laughing at their conversation. Roman managed to open his door with struggle, they were laughing so hard they looked drunk.

Roman collapsed onto his bed still holding Logans arm which pulled him down also, Logan landing on Roman.

Their laughter slowly died out as they stared into each other's eyes.

"Wow" Roman breathed. "What?" Logan whispered, holding himself up.

"Your eyes are beautiful" Roman smiled, "we have-" Roman leaned up closer, their lips brushing. Logans breathing hitched then completely stopped, his eyes wide and lips parted.

"Can I kiss you?" Roman whispered, lifting his hand up to brush a hand through Logans hair.

Logan nodded, "Y-yes" he squeaked, Roman chuckled and closed the gap, eyes falling shut along with Logans. They kissed for longer than anticipated, Romans hands tangled in Logans hair while Logan still held himself up, legs feeling like jelly.

Roman finally pulled back earning a soft whine and a deep blush, Roman grinned, laughing breathlessly. "That was adorable" he whispered, gliding his thumb down Logans cheek. The logical trait shook his head, rolling onto his side and staring up at the ceiling.

Suddenly a blanket was draped over him and a warm body pressed against his own. Romans eyes were closed, his breathing slowly evening out. Logan smiled, he guessed he could cuddle the sleepy trait for awhile.

Not intending to fall asleep Patton walked in a few hours later, a squeak leaving his mouth.

He teleported to Thomas and Virgil who were still cuddling in the living room. "Guys! Roman and Logan are cuddling!" He gushed, finally looking at the two he noticed they were asleep. He giggled, picking up the empty bowls and kissing their foreheads.

"Get better soon, kiddos" he whispered.

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