Kidnapped - Roman x Logan x Virgil x Patton

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Trigger warning: kidnapping


Roman was first to awake. He groaned, trying to move his arms but quickly realising he couldn't. His heavy eyelids cracked open, dark brown eyes scanning the almost pitch black room, barely able to make out the three other figures leaning on the wall.

He struggled, moving his arms frantically but to no avail, he looked over his shoulder to see his arms bound together and to the wall. He slumped, letting his eyes focus to the dark, squinting to see the room fully.

He saw nothing of importance so he let his eyes rest on the figure nearest, Roman couldn't make out his face but he could clearly see the blue top and sleeves wrapped around his neck, dangling over his shoulders and down his chest.

Romans eyes widened, he tried to shuffle over to one of his boyfriends but he couldn't, he groaned quietly, frustrated. Whoever did this was going to pay - mostly because Patton was here also, he wouldn't be surprised if the other two figures were Virgil and Logan - he prayed they weren't.


Roman cut himself short, he didn't want to wake up Patton. Roman knew he would freak out and start to cry, he didn't want him to go through that but all he was doing was prolonging the inevitable.

Resting against the wall he looked up at the small window at the top of the high walls, the moon stared back, shining in enough light he needed.

His eyes dropped down and he finally noticed a slit of yellow light on the ground, following the light his eyes met with a door and an eye that looked through the crack in the now obvious door. Pretending Roman didn't see them, he casted his eyes the other way slowly, as if scanning the room once more.

He heard rattling, his head whipped to the side to see one of the figures waking up, shuffling like he once was. "...wh...what?" He heard the whisper, recognising it to be Virgils.

"Virgil, Virgil, it's me, Roman" the eldest of them all tried to sooth, it wasn't working well. He could already hear the sporadic breathing becoming quicker and louder.

"Ro-Roman? Where are you? Where are we? Roman!"

"I don't know, Dearest, please stay calm, okay?" From the frantic moving and chain rattling Roman could tell Virgil was chained up as a-pose to his rope bonds.

"R-Roman...I can't see"

He must be wearing a blind fold, Roman thought with a frown, he tried and struggled once more but the rope was to tight, digging into his wrists painfully.

Finally the door fully opened, Roman squinted at the light but wanted to have a good look at their capturer.

Of course, Roman thought pitifully, he was disgusting.

The smell of beer hit Roman instantly, making him recoil, then he noticed the rather large pot belly covered with a yellow stained shirt, pudgy arms, one hand holding a gun, the other empty, his eyes traveled down his legs to realise he was only wearing boxers.

Roman gagged, forcing himself to stare at the face which wasn't any better. He looked like he was dragged through a hedge backwards...a few times, matted beard, stringy hair, chubby cheeks, creepy eyes...everything about him screamed for people to turn and sprint.

"Who are you?" Roman asked in a strong voice, not at all intimidated by the weapon he grasped tightly in his left hand, Roman also taking note of that.

A deep, scratchy chuckle echoed around the silent room, Romans eyes drifted to Virgil for a few seconds to see him curled into a ball best as he could, face hidden in his knees.

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