No Sleep - Roman x Logan

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Logan awoke late one night to the noise of footsteps, he strained his hearing and could faintly hear mumbling. Sighing he fumbled around for his glasses, swinging his legs around the side of the bed he stood up and opened his bedroom door.

Roman was heading down the hallway, arms behind back, looking deep in thought.


The royal flinched, putting on a smile Logan didn't realise was fake. "Greetings, Gumdrop! Why are you up so late? Are you okay?" Roman asked, walking towards him.

"You woke me up" he replied, yawning.

"Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry! I'll let you sleep, sweet dreams!" Roman smiled, kissing his head before disappearing into the darkness.

Logan thought this would be a one time thing but no

The next night the same thing happened, and the next night, and the night after that. It kept repeating itself and Logan wondered how much sleep Roman actually got - if any.

One night Logan waited for Roman to walk past before cracking open his door. He peeked through and watched Roman walk away, quickly he left his room and silently followed behind him.

They passed Romans room which made Logan more curious, they went down dark hallways until they passed something similar, Logan realising it was the hallway with the bedrooms.

They were going in circles.

Once far enough away Logan tapped Romans shoulder.

"DISNEY!" he exclaimed, spinning around and holding his sword in hand. Where did that sword come from-? You know what? Logan didn't care.

"What are you doing?" Logan asked, rubbing his eye.

"I am brandishing my sword-"

"You know what I mean"

Roman sighed, making his weapon disappear. "I am merely...sleep walking! You awoke me, many thanks" Roman smiled but this time...this time Logan could see right through it.

"I may not be the best with emotions but I can see something is bothering you - please tell me, Roman. That is what boyfriends do, correct? Help their significant other?"

Roman sighed, scratching his neck. "I don't need sleep"

"Correct - but you need sleep to function properly for Thomas"

"Maybe I don't want to function"

Logan knitted his eyebrows together, "pardon?"

"I said...!" Roman paused, lowering his voice. "I don't want to function"

"Why ever not?"

"I'm hurting all of you" he stated, crossing his arms. "With my stupid emotions...I'm holding Thomas back, it will be best if I take a step back for a few days...let you guys do all the control-y stuff" he said, using hand gestures.

"What do you mean? You are not hurting anyone" Logan denied, shaking his head. "Remember the last time someone ducked out? Thomas needs you, Roman, I do not understand why you think you are holding him back - it is more the case of I am holding both of you back"

Roman shook his head, "Gumdrop-"

"Please, Roman, you are in no means holding Thomas back - nor are you hurting anyone" he confirmed.

"Fine...but people still hate me"

"What do you mean?"

Roman chuckled without humour, "have you seen some of the comments Thomas's fans have made about me?" He shook his head, "they hate me..."

"Roman they are mad because they cannot get over how you hurt Virgil all that time ago - but that does not mean you are a bad person, you have changed for the better but because Virgil is.... "smol" whatever that means, they cannot see that. I feel the same, it seems that me and you are the least popular" Logan explained, sincerity in his eyes.

Roman smiled weakly, holding his hand up. "High five? For being the least popular?" Logan smiled a small smile, hitting his hand.

"For being least popular"

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