Attention 2 - Patton & Roman & Logan & Virgil

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Sorry there hasn't been many updates during the weekend, I was at a sleepover

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Sorry there hasn't been many updates during the weekend, I was at a sleepover

I'm glad you all liked Attention, and the idea they're all brothers lol

In this one they're in High School and are all teenagers


Logan headed down the hallway, fixing his tie around his neck. He saw Virgils dark wooden door and knocked on it gently.


He called, waiting in silence for a reply, sighing when he didn't get one. It was strange when one day the brothers realised Virgil wasn't the first to awaken, and from that day on someone always had to wake him up - he felt...unmotivated to do anything in the morning, and someone had to drag him out of bed to make some process.

Logan twisted the doorknob and walked in, the room had changed a lot from when he was young. The colours were darker, the shelves filled with discarded toys from the other brothers, clothes scattered everywhere.

It was messy, Virgil never cleaned it. His parents never came in, so he didn't see the point as he didn't care if it was tidy or not.

Logan padded across the carpet to the lump on the bed, shaking it and pulling the blanket down to reveal Virgil who was passed out. "Virgil" Logan called, shaking him a little more roughly. He sighed once realising that Virgil probably stayed up all night last night and has only now gone to sleep - if he tried to come to school today he'd pass out in every lesson - putting himself in unneeded trouble.

Logan left the room and headed down the stairs to the kitchen, his brothers were sat at the table, Roman looking all giddy. Logan remembered about the play Roman was starring in tonight, one that he was auditioning and rehearsing for for months. He invited his parents and brothers, they all agreed to come and he had never been more excited.

"I'm so proud of you, Roman!" Patton grinned, finishing his bowl of cereal. Logan noticed his attire and sighed, scattered across his light blue pyjamas were pictures of small, cartoon dogs. Logan thought he got rid of those pyjamas...

"Patton, go get dressed" Logan called, picking up the phone and dialling the school. Patton nodded and left the room, "your Teddy!" The brother came back, grabbed it, sent a smile to Logan and left.

The school answered and in his best impression of his Father Logan explained that Virgil was sick due to food poisoning from last nights dinner and won't be able to come to school today.

Roman listened, a frown embedded onto his lips. He knew Virgil hadn't gotten food poisoning which was why after breakfast he jogged up to Virgils room.

The brother was still in a deep sleep, near impossible to wake him up. Roman brushed his hair back, sitting down on the bed gently.

"I hope you still come later" he mumbled quietly, "I want to see you all in the don't have to enjoy it but please...for my sake?" Virgil was asleep so Roman didn't know why he was talking.

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