Not Okay - Thomas x Patton

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Hey fuckers, little thing before this oneshot. I just posted a book called "Boy Named Nothing" - of course, you don't have to read it, but you can imagine the two main characters as Virgil and Roman if you so wish. But you can imagine them as anyone, really. It's literally only one chapter long - the chapter has 91 pages - it's a long one chapter story aha.

I mean, self promo lolol

You don't have to, it's fine, but it's there, kinda angsty

Anyways enjoy one shot!

"Logan is okay-"


"Virgil is okay"

"Patton, please-"

"Roman is okay-"


"And you are okay!" The bubbly trait grinned, turning to Thomas who looked exasperated. "Patton...Honey" Thomas frowned, taking a few steps closer towards his caring boyfriend.

"Are you okay?" He asked, gently taking ahold of his hands. Patton looked at him, smiling. "Of course I am, Bub!" He replied enthusiastically, Thomas saw right through his lie and his frown deepened, making Patton lose his smile.

"I-I'm fine" he said, but it sounded like he was trying to convince himself than Thomas.

"I'm fine" he whispered, averting his eyes from Thomas's. "Please don't lie to me" Thomas whispered.

Patton slowly shook his head, tears welling up in his eyes. "I'm not fine" he whispered, Thomas quickly pulled him into a hug before he could collapse onto the floor.

"I'm not okay" Patton cried, sniffling and sobbing, clinging to Thomas like he was his lifeline.

"I'll help you, I promise" Thomas whispered rubbing his back. "I love you, Patton"

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