Brother - Virgil & Roman

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"You need to eat and drink regularly - you are very unhealthy" Logan stated, crossing his arms. Virgil rolled his eyes, "thanks" he muttered sarcastically.

"And you need to sleep earlier! You're very tired lately" Patton added, frowning.

"Anything else?" Virgil grumbled, staring at his phone screen.

"We're just worried, kiddo" Patton said, Virgil scoffed, "about me? Or Thomas?"

"Both - Thomas does need you to function and if you become sick-"

"So, you only care about Thomas?"


"Whatever" he muttered, standing up and leaving the room. Roman watched with crossed arms, he was a little mad at how Logan worded his sentences, Patton wasn't that bad but he should've been more supportive.

Being the noble Prince he was he followed Virgil to his room. He walked in and saw Virgil laying on his bed in the dark, on his phone and probably scrolling through tumblr.

"Yeah?" Virgil mumbled.

Roman sat next to him, kicking his legs up onto the bed.

"Why don't you eat regularly?" He asked in a softer voice than his usual boisterous one.

Virgil shrugged, "shouldn't you say I should eat?"

"Nope" Roman replied, "I want to know why"

Virgil sighed and shrugged again, sitting up further so he was head level with Romans shoulder. 

"Sometimes I don't feel like it, other times the thought disgusts me...what's wrong with me?"

Roman wrapped an arm around him, "nothing is wrong with you! It happens to a lot of people, and I will help you get through this" Roman reassured, Virgil locked his phone and rested his head on his shoulder.

" that we're talking about everything wrong with me-"

"Nothing is wrong with you - you're fine" Roman rubbed his arm, Virgil nodded slightly, a smile gracing his lips.

"Um...about my sleeping habits I....I find it hard to sleep...on my own..-"

"I have the perfect idea! Come on!" Roman stood up and Virgil followed him, the fanciful side led the darker side to an empty room. "Which side would you like?" Roman asked with a smile, Virgils eyes widened.

"Wait...are you serious?" Roman nodded, "of course! You cannot stay in my room, nor can I stay in yours, making a new one to share is the perfect idea! Don't you agree?"

Virgil nodded and glanced around the room, "this side?" He shrugged, pointing to the left.

Roman nodded and clicked his fingers, the right side of the room suddenly brightened up. A double bed was pressed into the corner with red and white pillows and the same colour quilt with a bit of gold, the frame was made from gold with a glamours white headboard.

The walls matched the colour scheme of his bed with a big version of his badge on the wall, he had a white desk with everything he needed and a closet with enough clothes - which was the same clothes a few times he had plus pyjamas.

Virgil stared at in astonishment, he clicked his fingers again and half of the floor had a white carpet.

Roman smiled and held his arms up. "Stare in awe at my magnificent masterpiece!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever" Virgil rolled his eyes and stared at his half. He lifted his arm and clicked his fingers, tensing his body.

The layout was similar to Romans, a double bed in the corner, a desk and a closet but the colours had a massive difference. It was mostly black and dark purple, the pillows purple and the sheets black, the frame was a simple metal painted black.

The closet was mostly black with purple tentacle-like patterns painted onto the bottom half, and his desk was black with all the things he needed. Oh and his closet held his clothes and pyjamas.

"Impressive, I like the walls" Roman smiled, dragging his finger down the black wall softly, it contrasted against his white wall perfectly, and the purple carpet - it was glorious.

"Thanks..." Virgil mumbled, sitting on his bed and bouncing up and down slightly, testing how comfy it was.

"Why do you care about me so much?" He asked after a minute silence. Roman smiled and sat next to him, kissing his head. "I love my baby brother, that's why"

Virgil snorted, pushing him away. "I'm not your brother"

"But I see you like one, and I love you like one - and you are younger! It makes perfect sense and I've always wanted to be a big protective brother" Roman smirked, thinking of all the boys he could beat up (if they were actual humans) who tried to date his baby bro.

"Getting tired of protecting princesses?" They both chuckled and Roman gave him a little squeeze before walking to his side of the room.

"Isn't this exciting? Sharing a room!"

"Meh, I guess" Virgil shrugged, laying down on his bed. "It's...nice...thanks...big bro" He mumbled, feeling himself cringe out of existence.

But a wide grin spread across Romans face, "Anything for you...I love you, little bro!"

" do I"

"Get some sleep, okay? Setting up this room wore me out! I cannot imagine what you must be feeling" Roman advised, slipping under his covers and taking off his sash and trousers.

"Mmhmm" Virgil mumbled tiredly, lazily climbing under his blankets. He didn't undress as he liked to wear warm clothes to bed, Roman clapped his hands and the lights went off.

"Huh, cool...but extra"

He heard Roman laugh and he smiled, rolling onto his stomach and tilting his head to the side. His eyes closed and he fell asleep pretty quickly.

Roman made himself comfy before he inevitably fell into a deep slumber.

It didn't take long for that room to become their new bedroom and their old rooms to be forgotten.

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