Lonely - Roman x ...

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Godammit I accidentally deleted this fuck me

I have to do it again end my existence Jesus Christ

"I love you, Candy!" Patton exclaimed, kissing Thomas cheek with a giggle. Thomas grinned back, hugging his bubbly trait close. "I love you more, Oreo"

Roman sighed, standing up and leaving the room. He didn't feel like being a third wheel. He decided to go find Logan or Virgil, maybe they could lift his spirits.


Well that was a resounding no. He found the two cuddling on the couch, mumbling quietly to each other while faint smiles. Logan caressing the side of his face softly while Virgil ran a hand through his silk hair.

Roman sighed once more, leaving the room without them even knowing he was there.

Making his way to the imagination he took out his sword and made head for the forest not too far away, he lazily swung his sword at the branches and leaves that blocked his path, his thoughts running widely.

Making it to the outskirts of the forest he leaned against a thick tree, looking at the land below. He stood atop a mountain, in the distance he could see a village - they were only now putting on their lights as the sun set.

Mythical creatures ran freely down at the bottom of the mountain, playing with their friends - plus the scenery was glorious.

With a faint smile Roman slid down the tree, dropping his sword at his side.

Letting his thoughts drift he remembered the day Patton asked Thomas out.


"Yeah, Pat?"

"Would you....would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Thomas paused, his eyes slowly widening. "Wait, really? Yes!" He grinned, Pattons face lit up and they shared a long hug.

Romans small smile fell into a frown, now he was reminded of the day Logan asked Virgil out.

"Virgil? May I ask you a question?"

"Sure...what is it?"

Logan paused, "Would you possibly want to be my romantic partner?"

"...romantic partner? As in...boyfriend?"

Logan nodded, "You do not have to-" he was cut off by a warm hug, Virgil engulfing him. Logan smiled and wrapped his arms around him under his jacket, pulling him impossibly closer.

"Yes" Virgil whispered.

His frown only deepened, he realised he was...alone.

Bringing his legs up to his chest he rested his chin on his knees, letting out a sigh...

"Oh well, who cares anyway...?"

Roman chuckled without humour.

"Oh yes, that's right" he shook his head.

"No one"

Nvm I'm not that mad this is better lol


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