Small - Virgil x Logan

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It wasn't entirely Logans fault, was it?

Virgil had walked in at the wrong moment, Logan didn't mean to crash into him and accidentally turn him a few inches tall with the scientific potion he was working on.

Logan stared at the bundle of clothes on the floor, eyes wide, he placed the glass bottle on the table and kneeled down.

"Virgil?" He called, tugging his clothes around a bit. He saw something move and a small head poke up from under his sleeve.

"YOU TURNED ME SMALL!" Came his high pitched voice. Logan bit back a laugh, covering his mouth. Virgil glared and grabbed a cloth from his pocket, wrapping it around himself before running out of the room.

"Virgil- Wait!" He called, stumbling to his feet and running after him. Seeing mini Virgil run like that made him burst into laughter, something he doesn't do often, it caught Romans attention and he walked out of his room to see something very small running past and Logan running very clumsily due to his laughter.

"What is happening?" Roman questioned, jogging along side him.

"Thats-that's Virgil" he laughed, he had to stop and he covered his mouth, closing his eyes.

"Virgil? Oh, I have to see this" Roman caught sight of Virgil and sprinted down the hallway, he caught up pretty fast but Virgil could dodge his hands.

"No! Stay away!" He yelled, his high pitched voice broke Roman and he fell to the floor in a fit of laughter.

Patton wanted to know what was going on and nearly stood on Virgil, he screamed and dashed under a chest of draws which was randomly placed in the hallway, he ducked in the corner, bringing his small legs to his chest.

"What was that?!" Patton screamed, jumping away. "V-Virgil!" Roman giggled, rolling onto his back and clutching his stomach. Logan regained composure and headed over, laying on the floor and looking under the furniture.

He held his fingers to his lips and stood up, quietly tilting the chest up so Patton could bend down and pick Virgil up. Virgil whipped his head up and screamed, "No! No! Put me down!" He cried, Patton cupped his hands together so Virgil wouldn't fall, holding him close to his chest.

"It's okay, I got you" Patton soothed, Virgil grabbed one of Pattons fingers and held onto it tightly, clenching his eyes shut.

"Aw, he's so adorable!" He cooed, grinning.

Logan looked into his hands along with Roman, Logan smiled and held his hand out, looking at Patton with a questioning expression. Patton nodded and gently handed Virgil to Logan. "Stop moving me!" He complained but once he saw it was Logan he calmed down a bit, knowing he was the least likely to drop him.

"Will he grow again?" Patton asked, smiling.

"Please let the answer be no" Roman grinned, Virgil glared at him but Roman found it more amusing than threatening.

"No, he will grow on his own accord, it will only take a few hours for him to be full size once again, as you can tell he is growing - but I do have a potion to speed it up, the side affects-"

"Give me the potion!" Virgil yelled, "but-"

"NOW!" He yelled, Logan sighed and headed back to his lab with Patton and Roman close behind. They waited outside as Logan only trusted himself and Virgil to ever go into his lab.

He handed Virgil a small plastic cup he made quickly holding the potion. Virgil drank it in one swig and not a second later he was big again.

"Now do you care for me to list the side affects?" Logan inquired, watching as his eyes dropped lazily.

"Wh...mmm" he mumbled tiredly.

"I will take that as a yes - side affects include tiredness, dehydration, and a sudden need for-" before he could finish Virgil fell onto him, wrapping his arms around him tightly and hiding his face.

"Human contact" he finished, patting his back awkwardly.

"Oh, Virgil? One more thing"


"You are naked"

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