Island 2 - No Ship

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Haha, no ship, get it cus they don't have a ship?


"We're gonna be trapped here for ever" Virgil groaned, laying back on the sand and staring at the blue sky.

"Don't be so pessimistic!" Roman replied, eating his fish. "Wow, you know big words?"

Roman sent him a glare and Logan sighed, "okay kiddos, let's not fight" Patton said, putting down the parts of the fish he didn't eat. They sat in silence, listening to the crackling of the fire, soon enough Virgil stood up and walked away across the beach, hands stuffed in pockets.

Roman sighed, also standing up. He brushed the sand off of his trousers, "I'll get the cloud of darkness" he spoke before walking after him.

Virgil sat quite far away from the others, he stared out at the ocean and breathed out, he couldn't help the bad thoughts that clouded his mind, it was who he is, he's anxiety, not...whatever the opposite is.

Roman plonked down next to him and the two didn't speak for awhile, "You're not the only one who's worried" Roman finally spoke, Virgil didn't reply, he knew that, it was quite obvious.

"Logan is the most scared out of all of us" he added, now Virgil didn't believe that. He snorted, "no he's not"

"Yes, he is" Roman persisted, laying back and staring at the dark sky. "He's terrified"

"Sure knows how to hide it" Virgil muttered, Roman shrugged. "He's Logic, not only does he work out what to do in situations like these he also works out the probability of us surviving...I mean, did you see his face when we all woke up? He doesn't have high hopes" Virgil turned to look at Roman.

"Then why does he always deny when I say we're gonna die?"

"He's trying to be optimistic, as soon as he got here he gave us all jobs, raising the chances of us surviving" Roman sat up again and turned to face Virgil who was still looking at him.

"He doesn't want us to die, he cares for us, but the way he shows it reminding us we're idiots and not to do stupid things" Roman chuckled, Virgil sighed but he could see where Roman was coming from.

"Fine, whatever, Thomas has probably already forgotten about us" Roman shook his head and helped Virgil up, dusting the sand off of him and Virgil.

"It would take a lot to forget a part of yourself"

The two walked back to see Patton laying on a large leaf, his eyes closed and head resting on his arm, Logan was staring at the fire, from one look you could tell he was calculating something in his big brain.

"Hey, Lo?" Virgil asked, Logan averted his eyes to look at him.

"We're gonna survive, they'll come back" Virgil subtly reassured him, Roman smiled and laid down next to Patton.

"Yes...I hope" he whispered, Virgil sat beside him and gave him a reassuring smile, albeit small.

"How could Thomas forget us? We'll be fine, mostly, and we'll only have you to thank" Virgil stood up once more and laid down on his own leaf further away from the others.

Logan smiled a bit, standing up he laid on his leaf and they all fell asleep to the noise of the fire.

The next morning

"AHHHHHHH!" The sides bolted upright from the scream.

"Patton?!" Roman frantically asked, looking around, they spotted the Dad like trait waving at a family of crabs.

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