You're Still Perfect - Roman x Logan

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Roman and Thomas were sitting in the living room, Roman listening to Thomas as he explained what happened between him and his friend earlier in the day.

"And I pointed to the koala and said his puns are koala tea! Because he was drinking tea!" Thomas giggled, grinning widely.

Roman chuckled, glancing at his nails "Tu eres muy gracioso" he replied, Thomas pouted. "I still don't know Spanish!" Roman smirked, looking back over at him as he began to talk again.

Behind him Roman caught Logan walking into the room, he looked concentrated but was snapped from his concentration when he heard a clatter from the kitchen - most probably from Patton - he lost his footing slightly but balanced himself.

Confused, Roman watched him walk straight into a wall, which made the royal flinch and knit his eyebrows together.

Logan tapped the wall, taking a step back. He shook his head, tilting it down and looking highly concentrated once more.

Roman leaned over and held a hand over Thomas's mouth, his talking came to a stop and Roman held a finger over his mouth.

He watched Logans expression change to one of nervousness as he suddenly couldn't hear anything. Precariously he shuffled over to the couch, hitting the arm chair and nearly falling over.

Why is he acting like this? Roman thought, removing his hand.

"Sorry" Roman smiled, "I was thinking...what were you saying?" Thomas happily carried on with his story but Roman kept his eye on Logan, watching as he held a book in his hands upside down.

Later Roman found Logan walking down the hallway slowly. He walked in front of the logical trait and stopped a few feet away, watching him not stop and bump into the royal. 

"Oh, I apologise..." Logan spoke, his eyes lifting up slightly, Roman noticed they weren't looking at him, more like to the side.

"Logan?" Roman asked, frowning.

"Yes, Roman?"

"Are you blind?"

Silence settled over the two, Logan tilting his head down, letting out a sigh. Roman waited patiently until the smarter side ran a hand through his hair, moving his head back up.

"Yes" he finally replied, Romans heart sank, realising that this was the reason why he wore glasses...he felt terrible for making fun of him now.

"You can't see anything?" Roman frowned, Logan shook his head.

"I'm...I'm so sorry, Logan-"

"It is quite alright-"

"No, it's not" Roman frowned, lifting his hand up to cup his cheek, Logan flinched initially but leaned into the touch, closing his eyes. "I can help you! Getting around the mind and such, maybe you need help with work? Or cleaning? I'll do anything"

"Roman, you do not have to-"

"I know" Roman cut him off, smiling. "I want to"

The next day Roman crept into Logans room, taking his glasses. Just as a test Roman put them on, proving his theory right - they were fake.

When Logan woke up Roman helped him get his clothes from his closet and make his hair neat, he chuckled lightly when he first gave him a funny hair style but went against it, it would be cruel of him to let him go out with that hair.

All throughout the day Roman helped Logan as much as he could, by six o'clock they were cuddled up on Logans bed, Logan situated between his legs, back resting against Romans chest, Roman playing with his hair softly, a smile planted on his face.

"I do not know why I did not tell you sooner" Logan mumbled, Roman hummed, kissing his head.

"It's okay, Gumdrop"

Roman sat up, turning Logan around slowly, he cupped his face, kissing him with a smile. "You're still perfect" Roman mused, kissing his nose. Roman watched Logans eyes flicked left and right, as if they could actually see Romans face.

"Really?" Logan whispered, his more vulnerable side shining through.

"Really" Roman confirmed, kissing him once more.

"Thank you, Romeo"

Roman chuckled. "I love you"

"As do I, only more"

Roman laughed. "Keep dreaming"

Thanks for the request! Sorry it took me so long to do!!

Thanks for the request! Sorry it took me so long to do!!

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