Attention - Roman & Virgil & Logan & Patton

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Virgil was sitting at the table, chin resting on his hands, eyes never leaving the glass filled with water right in front of him. The room was silent, he could hear the distant chatter of his parents waking up his siblings.

He didn't need to be woken up, he usually wakes up first but that doesn't mean he has a good sleeping schedule. Usually, he goes to bed after everyone else has one checks on him.

His parents don't even tuck him in and say goodnight...

He understands, having four kids and stressful jobs can be a lot of work goodnight wouldn't hurt.

Five minutes passed and Virgil was still staring at the glass, he could hear his brother, Roman, dramatically clomping down the stairs, singing his favorite Disney songs as he did.

They were all the same age and looked the same because they were quadruplets.

Before Roman walked in Virgil lifted his hand, pushing the glass over. The water spilled over the wooden table while the glass itself rolled onto the floor, shattering across the marble.

Roman heard the noise and poked his head in, looking at the mess his brother made.

"Doofus! What happened?" He asked, walking over with furrowed eyebrows. Virgil brought his legs up to his chest so his feet wouldn't touch the broken glass.

"I don't know" he mumbled, looking up at his brother. "It fell"

The noise alerted his parents who hurried into the room, their Mother checked over Roman while their Dad looked at the broken glass, confused and annoyed.

"Roman, Honey? What happened?"

"The glass fell" he repeated his brothers earlier words. "It couldn't have just fell" their Father huffed, finally noticing Virgil. "Did you do this?"

Virgil opened and closed his mouth, not wanting to lie to his parents. Their Father groaned, dragging a hand down his face. "This is the fifth glass, Virgil" his Mother scolded, picking Virgil up from his seat. He smiled slightly, hugging his Mother back. It didn't last, she placed him down on the counter while she cleaned up.

"Virgil, I'm warning you, another broken glass and I'm using your allowance to by new ones"

"What allowance?" He replied, genuinely confused. He hadn't been given pocket money in over a few months, Roman chuckled, grabbing the cereal box. "Don't be sassy with me, boy" he wagged a finger at Virgil who ducked his head down, hair falling over his eyes. "And get a haircut" he commented, leaving the kitchen.

Roman hummed a song, pouring a bowl of cereal for himself, adding the milk after. "Good morning!" Patton exclaimed, jumping into the room. He was still wearing his dinosaur patterned pajamas, one hand holding his Teddy while the other rubbed his eye. "Morning, Pat" their Mother rushed, dumping the broken glass in the bin.

"Virgil, Grandma will be over soon" she nodded at him, Virgil mumbled an okay, slightly excited to see her but not really, she's nice but...mostly watches tv and doesn't talk much.

Mother went to leave but paused, turning to Virgil once more. "And behave" with that, she was gone. This was a usual morning, Virgil would wake up first and possibly break something, he'd get told off and go to get ready to school along with his brothers but today he had to stay home due to his suspension from school.

Apparently, he shouldn't cut a girls hair, even if they let him.

She asked! He was just being polite.

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