Servant - Roman x Logan

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Trigger warning: submissive/dominant relationship, indications of sex

I think the more dirtier people will like this one - but that doesn't mean this will have smut so don't worry innocent beings!

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I think the more dirtier people will like this one - but that doesn't mean this will have smut so don't worry innocent beings!

Roman was a Prince - an actual Prince. His Father was the king of the land he would one day own, his mother the fair princess. He loved being a Prince for two reasons, one: he adored helping the villagers when they were in need of assistance, or just talking to some of them.

The second reason was he got to battle and most of the time defeat any enemy that decided to attack.

He was living the dream until his Father finally sat him down and told him he shouldn't be this kind, that people would take advantage of him and one day over throw him. Roman denied what his Father said, insisting the villagers would never do such a thing but his Father was hard to persuade.

He had ordered his son - as the king - to learn how to be demanding,

He was told to try it on his new servant, to perfect his abilities before bestowing it to the villagers. Roman was detested by the idea but he had to do it, he couldn't go against the king.

Entering his room he saw a maid talking to a boy an inch shorter then himself, the boy would nod his head every now and again as the maid told him what to do. Roman watched with a smile, already knowing he would befriend the cute boy.

Whoa- wait, no! No friendships! He...he can't become friends. Dropping his smile he cleared his throat, the maid jumped and bowed her head in respect. The boy looked over at the Prince, nodding his head politely but not keeping it bowed.

Roman rose his eyebrow, "It looks like you haven't been properly trained" he spoke rudely, striding across to him and tilting his head down forcefully.

"Keep it there" Roman muttered, turning to the maid. "You may leave, than-..." Roman coughed, cutting himself off.

"Thank you, your highness" she left, closing the door after him. Turning back to the boy Roman looked him up and down,

"What is your name?"



Logan paused, " not have a last name"

"I don't want your last name!" Roman snapped, guilt already eating at him. His mother said it was normal and he would get over it but he didn't think he ever would.

"Oh! Umm...your highness" He spoke, "Finally" Roman muttered, glancing around his room. What could he make log- the servant do? Roman looked over at his big collection of swords.

"I want you to polish every one of my swords, putting them back in the exact order - I will be back in an hour" and with that he left, an hour would not be nearly enough time for Logan to finish but Roman needed a reason to tell him off.

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