Horrifying - Roman x Logan

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Trigger warning: past trauma, nightmares

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Trigger warning: past trauma, nightmares

Roman twisted and turned in his bed, muttering quietly to himself, eyes clenched shut.

"Stop..." he whispered, rolling over once more. "No..."

"You killed me"

Roman whimpered, clutching his pillow in his sleep, vivid images of him killing the dragon-witch flashing through his mind, her dead body laying still on the blood-drenched grass, eyes wide with fear and shock.

Roman had to kill that dragon-witch, otherwise, it would've killed him, but he didn't think he would be getting the same nightmare ever since.

"You killed me!"

The whisper from before turned into a scream which haunted Roman, he whimpered and rolled over again, curling himself into a ball, silently crying and shaking.

"You're a monster"

Roman sat up, instantly falling off of the bed, the blanket wrapped around his every limb. He struggled, groaning and yelping quietly, finally pulling the blanket away and throwing it away from him.

He can't go on like this.

He slowly stood up on shaky legs, looking at himself in his bathroom mirror and recoiling in disgust. He fixed himself up best to his abilities and left his room, heading down the quiet, dark hallway.


He whipped his head around, thinking he heard something whisper to him, he felt more scared by the second, picking up his speed.


Roman pushed on, crossing his arms, eyes fixed on Logan's door at the end of the hallway, not long now.


Roman accidentally let out a scream, his fast-paced walking turning into a full-blown sprint, he fumbled on the door handle, hearing feet running up to him, heavy breath tickling the back of his neck. Finally, he opened the door, stepped in and slammed it shut.

He staggered, falling to the ground, breathing heavy and short, his entire body quivering involuntarily, whimpers escaped his mouth, imagining the dragon-witch to barge through the door, the same horrifying expression on its face, the same deep gash across her stomach spraying blood in his direction.

It all vanished in an instant, though, when Logan called out to him.


Roman swiveled around, eyes focusing on Logan who was sitting up, confused and concerned, a book in his hands and his bedside table lamp on.

He let out a small cry, scrambling to his feet and ducking under his covers, hiding his face in his hip, arms wrapped around his thighs. "Make it stop" Roman cried, sniffling.

"Please, make it stop!"

"Roman..I...what's wrong?"

"Sh-she's back...sh-she won't l-leave me al-alone!" Roman sobbed, Logan placed down his book and looked down at Roman, not knowing what to do.


"D-dragon witch" he whispered, the name bringing back horrific memories which in turn made him cry once more.

A knock on the door sent Roman into a frenzy, hiding behind Logan, scream crying. Logan was in complete shock and utter confusion, he and the others knew Roman killed the dragon-witch but none knew it affected him this badly.

The door opened and a very worried Patton rushed in, Roman didn't see Patton, only the door opening before he was in the corner of the room, screaming for the dragon-witch to leave him alone and not hurt him, his pleas waking up Virgil, who watched in the doorway, a hand covering his mouth.

Patton tried to comfort him but Roman pushed him away, curling in on himself more and more. Logan slowly walked over, kneeling in front of the traumatized side, resting a hand on his knee in a comforting way.

"Roman? Roman, look at me" Logan told him, Roman slowly lifted his head, staring at Logan who helped him calm his breathing. He was still shaking and crying silently, Logan was stuck, he couldn't comfort people!

Virgil padded over, sitting down to.

"Um...I know something that might help" he said, gaining Logan's attention.

"Whenever I'm having a panic attack...Dad runs a hand through my hair, it helps, maybe it'll help Roman?" He suggested meekly, Logan nodded, thinking it was worth a short.

He sat next to Roman, letting the royal lean on him, his fingers combing through his soft hair, scratching his scalp ever so slightly, the repetitive, soothing feeling soon calmed Romans nerves, after a while, he melted into Logan's arms, basically becoming putty.

"I'm sorry" Roman whispered, cleaning his cheeks. "Don't be, it's okay, kiddo" Patton reassured, smiling at him even if he might drop to the floor from exhaustion.

Virgil leaned on his Dad, making the parent like trait smile happily, kissing his head.

"Are you okay now, Ro?"

Roman nodded, letting Logan help him up, his legs still felt like jelly but he was...okay. For the most part, anyway.

"You should stay with me tonight" Logan advised, Roman instantly agreed, being alone the last thing he wanted right then.

Patton kissed his head and told him he would be okay, and they would protect him, before helping a very tired Virgil back to his own room. Logan closed his door, turning to Roman who sat on the bed closest to the wall, blanket drawn up close to his chin, eyes still wide and a little scared.

Logan slowly laid down, not wanting to make any sudden movements, his heart figuratively hurting whenever Roman would flinch, or shuffle closer, his legs drawn up, imagining a hand pulling at his ankle.

"Do you wish for me to keep the light on?" Roman nodded at Logan's question.

Nodding, Logan laid down fully, turning to Roman. "We can cuddle, if it helps" Logan offered, Roman shuffled until his body was pressed against Logans, both of them wrapping their arms around the other, Logan pressing a short kiss to his forehead, repeating the action Patton did earlier.

"Go to sleep, Roman, everything will be okay"

"Promise?" Roman croaked, his voice barely above a whisper and still full of pure fear. Logan winced subtly, he didn't want to imagine how the dead dragon witch was affecting his poor Roman.

"I promise, Roman"

Roman sniffled, hiding his face, slowly closing his eyes. The image was faint and not as clear as when he was alone, but still enough to tighten his grip on his boyfriend, Logan doing the same back to give more comfort.

"She cannot hurt you" Roman heard him whisper, "I'm a monster" he whispered back.

"You are anything but, she was the monster...not you, you saved us all, you are a hero"

Roman relaxed slightly at his words.

"No words can describe how thankful I am that you're mine"

Logan chuckled softly, "I am glad...goodnight, Romeo"



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