Baby Logan - Logan x Roman

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Love that soundtrack ^^

Love that soundtrack ^^

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Roman was going through Logan's lab, he needed to find a certain potion when he came across a new one.

"Child potion" he read, eyebrows furrowed.


"AH!" Roman yelled, spinning around. He dropped the potion and the liquid landed on Logan who glared at him.

"Roman! What are you doing?" He asked angrily, not noticing he was shrinking until a few seconds after. Roman held his hand over his mouth and watched Logan shrink to a size just below his waist, he also looked younger, to.

"Uh..." Roman stammered, taking a few steps back. Logan looked at himself and sighed, "What have I told you about coming in here! Now look what you have done!"

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean too!" Roman bent down and picked him up, "but you are very cute" he added with a smile. Logan glared and hit his arm, "Put me down!"

Roman smirked, "What will you do if I don't?"

Logan's glare only darkened but him being a child didn't make him look angry, he looked like he was pouting which was just cute.

"Roman,  I will only ask you this once- ROMAN!" Logan yelled, hitting his chest as he walked out of the lab, Roman only smiled and walked to his room with an angry Logan in his arms, no matter how much he struggled his strength was nothing compared to Romans.

"Roman!" Logan whined, Roman set him on his bed and grinned. "You're too cute for words"

"Great, now will you ta-..." Logan paused when Roman held a sweet towards him, Logan stared at it and back at Roman.

"It's for you" Logan took the sweet and ate it happily, grinning Roman scooped him up and carried him to the kitchen.

"Where are we going?" Logan asked, the sweet still in his mouth. Roman sat him on the counter and booped his nose, Logan swung his legs back and forth as he watched Roman go around the kitchen.

Roman hid whatever he had behind his back and grinned at Logan who had finished his sweet.


"Would you like some milk?"

"Roman, just because-oooo~!" Logan cut himself off when Roman held out the milk, Logan grabbed the warm bottle and began to drink from it, his eyes closing in content.

"Aww..." Roman smiled, picking him up in his arms again, Logan carried on drinking his milk as Roman laid him down on his bed. Roman didn't mean to turn him into a child but now he was kind of glad he did.

Logan has been overworking himself a lot lately and it was nice to see him finally getting some rest, even if he was a child.

"Sleep wif me" Logan mumbled tiredly after he finished the milk. Roman smiled affectionately and laid down beside Logan who cuddled up to him and fell asleep.

A few hours later Logan woke up, he looked at Roman and sighed, he...didn't mind Roman caring over him, sometimes he forgets about the importance of his own health.

He slowly slid out of bed and went to his lab, grabbing the antidote he changed back into an adult and cuddled back up with Roman, he wore a small smile as he fell asleep in the arms of his love.


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