Lap Dance - Logan x Patton

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I recommend the song above ^

I recommend the song above ^

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"Logy?" Patton asked his boyfriend, standing in front of his sitting body. "Yes?" He replied, closing his book.

"Can I try and give you a lap dance?" He giggled at the mere thought. Logans face blushed at his request, spluttering for some sort of coherent reply.

"Uh-uh...sure" he mumbled, sitting up straight.

Patton attempted it and was good at the beginning but he couldn't stop giggling, now he was rolling on the floor, crying his eyes out from his loud, adorable laughter.

Once he calmed down he sat up and wiped his eyes, apologising for his sudden outburst. Logan waved his hand dismissively, suggesting that he might be able to give a lap dance to him.

"Wait, Really?" Patton asked, perplexed. Logan nodded and he grinned, sitting where the logical side was previously. Logan had actually done research on the whole lap dance ordeal so he thought he would be good.

Oh, how he was wrong.

He somehow ended up with his shirt stuck and running into a wall, Patton tried to stop him but he was too weak from laughing. After a lot of playful shouting later Logan was finally getting good.

Of course it had to be when Virgil walked in. His eyes widened as he surveyed the scene that was now burned permanently into his brain.

"Logan...wHO THE HELL LET YOU DO THAT TO MY DAD!?" he screeched, feeling very over protective.

Logan jumped, nearly falling off. Patton was once again laughing, so hard in fact no noises came out of his mouth and he was continuously slapping his hands together.

"YOU PERVERT!" Virgil added, Logan scrambled to try and find an excuse to save his already dead ass.

To make matters worse Roman walked in, his eyes widened and all he could do was scream.


"I'LL KILL YOU FOR TOUCHING HIM!" They both yelled at the same time, Roman covering his eyes and Virgil lunging for Logan who yelled out.

"Patton started it!" He tried to defend himself any way he could. Patton grinned at him, "call me Daddy" he winked, Roman screamed again and Logan flushed, Virgil ignored the remark from his Dad, still glaring at Logan.

"MY EARS!" Roman cried, covering his tainted ears.

"THE INNOCENCE HAS GONE!" Virgil yelled.

"LOGAN WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Roman frantically asked, standing next to Virgil.


"I'LL STILL KILL YOU, LOGAN!" Virgil glared, body tense as the only thought that ran through his mind was protect Dad.

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