No - Logan & Virgil

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Logan and Virgil were hanging out happily, watching theory videos on YouTube. Logan would call out what was wrong with it which made Virgil laugh, it didn't take long for Logan to join in the laughter, a smile on both of their faces.

It was rare, but it seemed as though when those two hung out they could always make each other smile. 

They were truly the best of friends.

Roman entered the living room and saw the two sitting quite close, watching the theory video.

He thought they were cute and when Virgil made Logan laugh his eyes lit up with delight. He walked over, grinning, gaining their attention.

"Are you two dating?" He asked happily, his inner fanboy bursting.

Virgil and Logan shared a glance before the began to laugh, clapping they hands.

Roman watched, biting his lip in anticipation.

Suddenly Virgil and Logan stopped laughing and both stared at Roman with blank expressions.

"No" they both replied at the same time, turning their attention to the video. Roman frowned, dropping his arms.

"Well that is disappointing"

"So are you, Princey" Roman held his hand over his heart in mock hurt before chuckling and leaving the room.

"Halfwit" Logan mumbled. Virgil burst into laughter.

He sighed, smiling. "So true"

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