Sorry - Roman x Patton

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Patton and Roman weren't paying attention to their surroundings as they headed down the hall, both turning a corner the same time they crashed into one another, falling back afterwards.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Patton!" Roman exclaimed, helping him up.

"It's okay! I'm sorry!"

"No, I'm sorry, it's my fault!"

Patton shook his head, "I'm sorry for making you think it's your fault!"

"I'm sorry for you thinking it's yours!"

Patton frowned, "I'm sorry!"

"I'm sorry more!" Roman replied defiantly, frowning along with him.

"Noo! It was my fault!"

"It was mine!"

"Can you not?" Virgil asked, he happened to be walking by at the same time.

"We're sorry!" They both said at the same time, turning to Virgil. He was a little freaked out at how synchronised they were so he slowly backed away.

"Just...kiss or something" Virgil shrugged, Roman turned to Patton and kissed him deeply, Patton melted into the kiss, smiling and closing his eyes.

Virgil shook his head, "moron..."

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