Hugging The World - Logan x Patton

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Ever get the feeling where you just wanna sleep for eternity? Lol same

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Ever get the feeling where you just wanna sleep for eternity? Lol same.


Logan was walking down his schools hallway, books clutched tightly in his grasp, head titled down. One, he didn't want to drop anything as he wanted to get to lesson as quick as possible, two, he didn't want to accidentally start conversation by meeting someone's gaze.

He was close, he could basically smell his classroom until one fateful accident left him on the ground in a heap.

His shoelace came undone and he front of everyone.

Luckily, his books and loose papers didn't sprawl everywhere, but people still laughed. He blushed crimson, sitting up on his legs and picking up his books, fixing his glasses which slanted.

Students obviously thought the laughing wasn't enough so they began to taunt him, too, only adding to the humiliation.

It stopped, though, when the bubbly student named Patton rushed over.

"Hey!" he frowned, looking at everyone. "He didn't fall!" He said, everyone looked at him, soon falling silent to see what he would say.

"He just hugged the world!" He grinned, laughter erupted from everyone again but Patton was still grinning at Logan who stood up and dusted himself off.

"Thank you" Logan nodded, clearing his throat before walking by to his class.

Later that day Logan was leaning on the side of the school, waiting for his friend to pick him up.

Patton bounded over to him, grinning as usual. "You okay? The fall didn't hurt, did it?"

"That was this morning - if it did hurt the pain would have subsided by now" Logan replied, tilting his head to the side to look at him as he replied.

"So, you're okay?" Logan sighed, "I am fine, Patton" he confirmed. Silence fell over the two, both looking out at the parking lot.

"Earlier you said I gave the world a hug" Logan finally spoke, gaining Pattons undivided attention.

"Yeah?" Patton prompted him to carry on.

Logan fully turned to face him, words catching in his throat.

" I would like to give you a hug, as thanks" Patton squealed, nodding. His whole being brightened up at the idea of a hug, especially from Logan.

He dropped his back and rushed into his open arms, wrapping his own around the smarter boy.

Patton hummed in content, hiding his face and closing his eyes. "You're welcome, Logan" Patton mumbled, enjoying the feeling of Logans arms around him.

Logan smiled although Patton couldn't see, "your hugs are very warm"

Patton giggled, tightening his grip. "I can give them to you more often, if you like!"

"That would be lovely"

Thanks for the request!

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