Hyper - Virgil x Thomas

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"Thomas!" Virgil said, appearing in his living room.


"Thomas" he cut him off, his eyes wide and mouth stretched into a massive grin.

Thomas stared at him with a confused expression, Virgil grins?

"Thomas! Thomas, Thomas? Thomas!....Thomas? THOMAS THOMAS? Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas? THOOOOOOOOOMAAAAAAAAAS!" He yelled, Thomas flinched back and Virgil popped up around in random places in the room.

"Hi!" He said, appearing in front of Thomas and disappearing after.

Appear, "I-" disappear,

Appear, "Ate-" disappear,

Appear, "Lots-"


"Candy!" Thomas grabbed his arm before he could disappear again, a smile forming on his lips.

"Pretty hyper, huh?" Virgil nodded his head super fast and Thomas chuckled. "You'll get a sugar crash" Virgil shrugged and kept doing what he was doing before, appearing and disappearing around the room, he kept repeating Thomas's name but he didn't mind much. It was quite amusing.

After ten minutes Virgil flopped onto the couch and breathed in heavily. "You finally out?"

Virgil nodded and Thomas smiled, using his arm to pull him up the couch, closer to where he was sitting. Virgil leaned on him and passed out. Thomas hummed and held him close, falling asleep also.


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