Cat - Virgil x Patton

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I mean, I cried laughing while watching that video ^^

If you want to have a good laugh, please watch it, and don't be scared at the start haha


"You're so soft" Virgil mumbled, his cat purred and rubbed against his cheek softly, he smiled and stroked his fur. Virgil sighed in content, closing his eyes and letting his cat, which was called Milo, rest against his chest.

He had a cat because he helped calm him down during panic attacks, cuddling Milo usually calmed his breathing and made all his bad thoughts disappear.

No one else knew of Milos existence, he was either in Virgils room or on a walk in the imagination with Virgil.

A few days later Patton skipped down the hallway and paused when he heard a meow, confused he looked down and gasped when a cat walked up to him and rubbed against his leg.

"Aww" Patton cooed, bending down and picking the adorable animal up. "You're not as cute as a dog're so adorable!" He grinned and walked to the main room with the cat in his arms, Milo didn't mind, he loved attention.

Back with Virgil he walked into his room in the middle of an attack, "M-Milo?" He stammered, looking for him.

"Milo!" He called louder, tears welling up in his eyes. He left his room and dashed towards the main room to find Patton cuddling up with his cat.

Virgil walked over and Patton noticed, he became worried when he noticed Virgils state but handed him the cat when Virgil made grabby hands towards him. He sat on the couch and Milo cuddled into him, letting out soft purrs to help calm him down.

Patton watched with a hand over his mouth, he couldn't believe that the cat belonged to Virgil and it helped calm him down! Also how adorable they looked.

Once Virgil was back to normal he glanced at Patton who was grinning, "You have a cat! That's so cute"

"Yeah..." Virgil blushed, "his names Milo"

"Aw, hi Milo" Patton petted his head and Milo purred in content, closing his eyes. Attention from two people? He was in cat heaven. 

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Patton questioned, shuffling closer. Virgil shrugged, "I...don't know, I didn't want him to be taken away from me..."

Patton kissed his cheek, "no one will take him away, he's staying, forever" Patton smiled. Virgil smiled slightly back and the two cuddled each other and Milo, Milo loving every second.

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