Allergic - Logan x Roman x Virgil x Patton

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Logan had stated once before he was allergic to chocolate, the sides didn't believe him. They just thought it was an excuse so he didn't have to eat it.

One day Roman and Virgil asked Patton to make something with chocolate in it to see if Logan was actually allergic. Stupidly, he agreed.

A few hours later they had finished baking and brought in the food. "Logan! We made food!" Patton grinned, placing the plate on the coffee table. Logan glanced up from his puzzle, mumbling a gratitude. The sides ate, all watching Logan as they did, it didn't take long before he paused his movements, his chewing halting to a stop. 

The food dropped from his hands and he sat up straight on the couch, eyes widening. That's when the sides knew...they fucked up. 

Logan began to wheeze, clawing at his throat slightly as he tried to swallow before giving up and spitting out the remaining food, his breathing became irregular and panic settled deep inside of him, so much so that Virgil could feel it.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no, what do we do?!" Patton worried, frantically waving his arms about as Logan slowly stood up.

"Um, I don't know! This has never happened!" Roman stared at Logan as he threw up on the floor, gripping onto the arm of the chair. Virgil had to turn away, pushing down a gag.

"Ro-room" Logan wheezed, Roman took it as a sign to take Logan to his room so the royal picked up the logical side and sprinted to the location, letting him search his cupboard until he pulled out a box, still wheezing he swallowed some pills, leaning against Roman.

It took awhile for his breathing to calm but a rash was prominent on his neck and his throat badly hurt due to the vomit and allergic reaction.

"We're so sorry, Logan!" Patton cried hugging him softly as if he would shatter. He was still leaning on Roman who had him in an upright position, keeping him very still.

" is fine" he whispered, wincing at the pain.

"Why don't we...cuddle on the couch? We can't be in here for longer" Virgil advised, talking about the room. Patton and Roman nodded, helping Logan to the couch. With one click of the finger the vomit was gone, along with the discarded food.

Patton put on a random movie and they all cuddled Logan who was still shaken up over the whole ordeal.

"Are you alright?" Virgil mumbled quietly, still worried and guilty. "Mostly - if I say I am allergic to something - believe me"

They all agreed, spewing out apologies as they did.

Logan never had to eat chocolate again.

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