Cuddle me? Please? - Logan x Virgil x Roman x Patton

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Virgil was feeling extra cuddly that day, Roman and Patton were busy so he set off to find the logical trait. It didn't take long to find him - he was sitting in the kitchen, scrolling through Wikipedia, tutting at how wrong it was.

"Sup" he greeted, sitting opposite him.

"Salutations" Logan replied, not glancing up from his phone.

Virgil rested his hands on his chin, "whatcha doing?"

Logan sighed, putting away his phone. He rested his arms on the table and rose his eyebrow, "what do you need?"

"Can't I have a conversation?"

"No - well, you can but it is not your style" Logan shrugged lightly, Virgil looked away and sighed.

"Cuddle me?"

"Virgil, you know I do not like cuddles-"

"I know" he grumbled, "but you love me"

"I do not see how that would change my answer"

"What is your answer"



"What? N-"

"Yes! Thanks, Logan" Virgil stood up and grabbed his arm. Logan sighed, pinching his nose. "One time" he spoke sternly, giving him a look. Virgil nodded and they headed to the living room where they cuddled on the couch.

Logan didn't know what to do so he let Virgil get comfortable, snuggling into his side, before loosely resting his arms on the dark persona.

Minutes later Patton and Roman walk down the hallway towards the room. "And I said hi dying, I'm Dad!" Patton grinned. Roman choked on air while Patton skipped into the room, gasping when he saw the sight.

"Aw! Cuddle time!" Patton exclaimed, jumping onto the couch next to Virgil and cuddling right up to him, smiling softly.

Logan was about to shuffle away when Roman plopped down next to him, effectively trapping him.

"Guys I need-"

"Stop lying, if you move I will kill you"

"Why?" Logan cried.

"I'm comfortable" he mumbled, logan sighed and rested against the back of the couch, tilting his head back to stare at the ceiling.

"I hate you all" he muttered, pressing lips lips into a tight line.

"We love you, too, Logy!"

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