Play Fighting - Virgil x Roman

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Virgil rolled away from Romans grip, still facing Roman who whined softly. "Virgil" he complained, making grabby hands towards him.

Virgil only grinned and rolled back over, pushing him to the edge of the bed. "What are you doing?"

"Pushing you off!" He chuckled, Roman yelped and grabbed onto him, both laughing as they tried to get the other off the bed.

Roman got him in a grip, one arm wrapped around his while the other wrapped around his leg.

Virgil screamed, clinging onto Roman while laughing. "Don't drop me!" He yelled, clambering back over Roman and rolling away. Roman chuckled, grinning at the panting Virgil.

They went back at it, playfully attacking the other to push them off. One moment Roman was hovering over Virgil grinning, "How about we call it a truce?" He asked, panting slightly. Virgil smirked, leaning up and kissing the royal, he froze momentarily and Virgil used his moment of weakness, pushing him off the bed.

He landed on the carpeted floor with a thump, laughing along with Virgil. He sat on his legs, leaning on the bed, watching Virgil wrap the blanket around himself, head poking out at the top.

"I win!"

"You also won my heart"

Virgil blushed.


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