Son - Patton & Virgil

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When there's an & sign instead of an X it means they're not in a relationship

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When there's an & sign instead of an X it means they're not in a relationship

Patton represents Thomas's emotions, he is the heart after all, but everyone knew that.

What people also know is Anxiety is an emotion, but what people didn't know was Anxiety is Morality's son, child, birthling.

It was pretty obvious, well they thought it was obvious, so they never felt the need to inform anyone that Patton was Virgils actual biological Father.

"Dad!" Virgil whined, looking up from his phone. Patton glanced over at Virgils laying down position on the couch with a smile. "Yeah, son?"

"I'm hungry" he pouted, Patton giggled and got up, walking to the kitchen to make him some food.

Upon entering he saw everyone else already standing in there, Roman was throwing his arms around expressing a point, Thomas was perched on the counter while Logan was standing off to the side, watching Roman with a blank expression.

Roman finally finished and turned to Patton, "Greetings, spider fearing bean" Patton grinned and opened the fridge, "Hi, nothing fearing royal!"

"I thought you were with Virgil?" Logan questioned, crossing his arms. Patton grabbed some food and shut the fridge door with his hip, picking up some bread as well.

"I am! Well, I was, I'm making him food" he shrugged, still smiling happily because he was fine with it, he was his Father after all.

"Why can't he do it?" Roman replied, Patton chuckled. "He is quite lazy" Logan chirped before Patton could reply.

"Hey!" He spun around to face the logical trait, "Don't insult my son!" He scolded, Logan held his hands up in defence, apologising quickly. With a satisfied smile he went back to sandwich making.

"He is not your actual son-" Thomas started but Patton cut him off.


"...I said he's not your son"

Patton giggled, shaking his head. "You should work on your jokes, kiddo!" Everyone gave each other a confused glance, Patton had turned around so he didn't notice.

They heard footsteps and the kitchen door swung open, a hungry looking, grumpy Virgil walked in.

"What's taking so long?" He groaned, looking over his Dads shoulder. "Not long now, kiddo!"

"Thanks, Dad" he mumbled, leaning on the counter and crossing his arms. He noticed everyone else staring in confusion but a hint of realisation, crossing his arms he suddenly felt self conscious, racking his brain for a logical reason to why they are staring.

"Wait...Dad?" Roman asked, dropping his arms.

Virgil slowly nodded, "Yeah...he's my Dad" Patton finished the sandwich and handed it to him with a smile, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Again, thanks" Virgil smiled subtly, taking a large bite.

"But...that is impossible" Logan spoke, narrowing his eyes. Patton turned to them, "he's my son" Patton smiled.

Virgil nodded, mumbling a yeah.

"Shouldn't you know this already?" He added, swallowing his food. "We've been calling each other Dad and son since...forever"

"I just thought you said that because he was a Dad like...person" Roman exasperated, feeling like his whole life has been a lie. "No...that's just weird" Virgil muttered, leaving the room. 

Patton followed after, "love you, Virgil!" 

"Love you too, Dad"

The others stared at the ground for a few seconds, letting the information process.

"I need a minute" Logan mumbled, "I need two" Thomas added, still looking shocked and astonished.

"I need a life time! Patton lied to us!"



Logan shook his head with a sigh, fucking out along with Thomas.

Roman collapsed to the floor, "liiiiiieed!"

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