I Love You - Patton x Logan

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Patton rolled onto his side and smiled, staring at Logan's back. He thought Logan was asleep so he lifted his hand and started to draw shapes into his back.

He soon ran out of ideas so instead he wrote 'I love you', a small smile crept onto his lips as he did it a bunch of times, repeating the same phrase over and over.

His arm became tried so he rolled onto his back and brought the blanket closer to his body, that was the closest to ever telling Logan he loved him since the start of their relationship. And Logan was asleep! Or so he thought...

Logan rolled over and wrapped his arms around Patton, bringing him close, eyes still closed.

"I love you too" he mumbled into his hair, Pattons face lit up and he stumbled over his words, tensing up.

"You're awake?" He whispered

Logan didn't respond and Patton bit his lip, a wide grin forming on his face. He cuddled into his chest and sighed in content.

Even if it was embarrassing he was glad Logan was awake.

Hi, quick thing

I've done a lot of song request, in my old OneShot book and this one, and don't get me wrong I do like them but for now unless you explain the exact way you want the song to be used I won't be able to do it

As I am unoriginal haha

By exact I mean go into detail, like it was an instructional essay telling me exactly what to do, haha, as if I was an alien,

idk lol, just...yeah

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