Water - No Ship

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"How do you ask what a glass of water is doing?" Patton grinned.

Logan looked up from his book he seems to be reading all the time because Logan is quite a hard character to write about and is either reading or on his phone - possibly reading also, maybe looking up facts? Or maybe memes? Who really knows? Behind those black rimmed glasses holds infinite possibilities as to what Logan really does. Does he read? Or does he...read?

"A glass of water is an inanimate object and is incapable of having a thought process or understanding English"

Logan replied, adjusting his glasses that always seems to be slightly tilted. Why doesn't he just buy new glasses? Maybe ones that would frame his face better? Or does he adjust to make him look impossibly...smarter? Is he...god? Or an all knowing being waiting for Patton to make his inevitable pun which will end with no humourless laughs from anyone but himself? Logan is truly a masterpiece behind his slightly screwed glasses.

"Water you doing"


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