Sweets - Logan x Patton

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"Logan, would you like some?" Thomas asked with a smile. Logan looked up but didn't reply as Roman did it for him.

"He doesn't like sweets, remember?"

"Oh yeah! Sorry, Logan" Thomas apologised, Logan waved it off, his eyes lingering on the candy in his hand - he forced himself to look away.

Later that day...

Logan entered his room, peeking down the hallway to make sure no one was coming. Once secure, he headed to his cupboard and opened the doors.

Logan looked over his shoulder one more time. He was sure no one was going to walk in so he opened the hidden doors at the back of the cupboard and took a few sweets from his secret stash.

While eating Patton slipped into his room, he wanted to see his boyfriend. With a smile on his face Patton skipped along the carpet to Logan who was standing in front of his cupboard.

"Hiya, Logy!" Patton greeted. He noticed the sweets in his hand and Logan turned to him quickly, keeping his mouth locked shut.

"I thought you didn't like candy?" Patton frowned, realising that Logan had lied a grin grew on his face.


"You do like candy! That's adorable!"

"I do not see how-"

"Accept it" Patton shushed him, kissing his nose. "Can I have one?" He asked, putting on a cute expression. Logan sighed but handed him one anyway, making the happy trait grin in happiness.

For the next few hours the two shared sweets while cuddling and talking about anything that came to mind.

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