Two Princes - Roman x Virgil

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I'm a mess because of that song ^

I'm a mess because of that song  ^

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Virgil is a prince.

He rules over a magnificent kingdom, everyone who lived there was the kindest and nicest people you could ever meet, each had their own bursting, bubbly, exciting personality which kept the kingdom very alive and entertaining.

But the kingdom was surrounded by very tall trees which gave it a lot of shelter but also made it quite dark, lots of people who had never been there thought it to be evil and full of hatred but it was the opposite.

The bad reputation - that wasn't true but what could he do? - wasn't so bad, it kept toxic people away.

One day he wanted to visit the kingdom neighbouring him - take the term neighbouring lightly because even if it was "next door" it was still miles and miles apart.

He knew the Prince, Roman and had heard a lot about the man, enough to make him intrigued.

He set off on his horse, his friend named Logan was in charge until he came back, Virgil trusted Logan with his life and Logan was smart and efficient, a fine Prince but not something he wants to do forever.

Due to him living in such a dark area he burned easily in sunlight so he  wore a dark cloak to keep him protected. An hour later he finally arrived, he jumped down from his horse and gave it to the stables for them to look after.

He walked through the lively, bustling kingdom. It reminded him of his in a way but the people seemed more...stuck up, in a sense, but not bad, if you get what I mean.

He walked through the crowds undetected and headed to the guards outside of the castle.

With the cloak he didn't look that friendly. The guards, being over protective, thought it was an intruder.

One gestured to him, facing the other. "Get him" he ordered. Virgil flinched, staring wide eyed at the guard who neared him.

"Shit..." he muttered, spinning on his heal and making a break for it. The guards chased after him as he dodged and weaved past the villagers, none of them stopped him as they didn't want to get mixed up in the whole ordeal.

Virgil escaped the kingdom and hid in the forest just south from it, the guards stood by the gate, looking all around until they slowly walked back inside.

Virgil sighed, leaning on a tree and closing his eyes for a few seconds, not anticipating he would fall asleep.

"Prince Roman" the guard bowed, Roman turned to him with his heart-melting, prideful grin he usually wore.

"What ever is the matter?"

"There was an intruder, he escaped into the woods, Prince"

Roman nodded, tapping his chin. "Doesn't that sound...exciting" his eyes lit up at the mere thought of capturing said intruder. The guards explained his appearance and Roman set out to find the fiend.

Roman scoped out the forest, walking as silently as he could. He looked behind a tree and paused when he saw a boy, a sleeping boy to be exact. He wore a dark cloak and had pale skin, like the intruder.

Roman would fully, shamelessly admit that the intruder was cute so instead of waking him up Roman picked him into his arms, Virgil subconsciously leaned into the warmth. Smiling, Roman easily walked back to the castle with him situated comfortably in his arms.

"Has the foreign Prince arrived yet?" He asked his advisories, not caring that they stared at the boy in bewilderment.

"No, Prince. He shall be here soon, we are sure" They assured. Roman nodded and thanked them before letting the boy rest in a guest room.

Virgil awoke the next morning, he fumbled around, eyes slowly opening. He realised he was in an unknown territory and sat bolt upright, scanning his area as his breathing quickened.

The door suddenly opened and a kind looking man wearing a blue shirt walked in holding a tray with what he presumed to be breakfast. "Hey! You're awake, that's good" he smiled warmly, placing the tray on the bedside table.

"What's your name?"


The man laughed, "Oh! I'm sorry, you must be confused. Prince Roman found you in the woods yesterday, he was told you were an intruder but he suspects the guards jumped to conclusions, I'm Patton, by the way" they shook hands, Virgil slowly nodding.

"You have an appointment with Prince Roman at noon, nothing serious I'm sure" Patton reassured him, ruffling his hair affectionately before leaving him in peace. Virgil ate his breakfast and waited in his room until it was noon.

He aimlessly walked around the castle until he found a maid who told him the way to go, also handing him his freshly washed cloak. Thanking her, Virgil headed and walked into the room, draping the cloak around his shoulders, but keeping the hood down.

Prince Roman looked up and smiled, "You uh...wanted to see me...P-Prince?" He asked in a shy tone, his eyes casted down. Roman motioned him to the chair, "please sit, dark stranger"

Virgil nodded, his shoes tapping against the wooden floor as he walked to the chair, he sat on the comfortable leather, finally meeting the Prince's eyes.

Roman rested his chin on his hands, leaning forward over the desk. "Now, tell me" he began, shuffling slightly. "What's your name? And where do you come from?" Roman was eager, alright. The boy in front of him was by far the most beautiful being Roman had ever laid eyes on.

Virgil hesitated, "Uh...I'm Virgil...Prince Virgil, y'know the Prince that was supposed to be here? Yeah...that's me" he chuckled awkwardly, scratching his neck. "Your guards chased me away...I'm sorry I'm late?" He shrugged meekly.

Roman didn't hesitate before he rang a bell, only a few seconds passed until there was another human in the room. "Please fire the guards by the front doors, the guards on standby seem like a better fit" he spoke, the human nodded and left, closing the door behind.

"Now, Prince Virgil" Roman smiled a smile that had Virgil swooning.

"How would you feel like to go on a date with me?"

And they lived happily ever after.

Thanks for the request!

@is_triggered wanted me to tag them, lol

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@is_triggered wanted me to tag them, lol

It might not work tho, if not, sorry! 

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