Kiss 2 - All Ships

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Virgil and Patton thought their feelings for each other would last forever, when they first dated they told one another they would always love them.

None of them expected the feelings to fade.

It just...happened.

Virgil was in Pattons room with the Dad-like trait, none of them were speaking to one another but that became a usual thing. As it was nearing midnight Virgil sat up.

"I'm going back to my room" he spoke, not glancing away from his phone.

Patton leaned over and kissed him, Virgil expected it, it usually happened, a goodbye kiss of sorts but he didn't kiss back, he didn't want to, and neither did Patton but he would feel bad otherwise. It was empty, emotionless, like they didn't care..

Virgil pulled back and stood up, he did his two finger salute before vanishing. Patton breathed out and laid on his bed, who knew emotions could be this confusing.

Thomas had a boyfriend, he shouldn't be doing this, this counts as cheating but he...he couldn't pull away, he didn't have the will to pull away. The feeling of Romans lips against his was enough to send all his thoughts out of the window until a later date.

Thomas placed his hands on his chest, originally to try and push him away but now he was gripping the blazer Roman usually wore and pulled him imposingly closer, the only thing keeping Thomas standing being the wall behind him.

His legs felt like jelly as Roman finally pulled back, his eyes had a dazed look in them, along with Thomas's. They breathed heavily, "I'm sorry..." Roman finally spoke.

"For what? Making me realise I like you?" He chuckled breathlessly, Roman smiled and they shared another long kiss.

Thomas pulled back from the kiss with a grin, he laughed when he saw Virgils face, Virgil physically couldn't move, the kiss left him paralysed, it was so breathtaking. His eyes were still closed and his mouth slightly ajar, Thomas giggled and stuck out his tongue slightly, watching Virgil finally open his eyes.

"We're the same person yet you can still kiss better then me? This is unfair" Thomas only grinned and nuzzled his head into Virgils neck lovingly. Virgil sighed and hugged him close.

"My kiss was that good, huh? I must be the best"

"Don't get cocky, Sanders"

Logan was busy doing work and Thomas was bored, he tried asking Logan to stop working but he was adamant about finishing whatever he was doing.

Thomas nearly gave up until an idea popped into his mind, he grinned and kissed his cheek. Logan didn't mind, he took it as an affectionate silent way of saying goodbye.

When Thomas kissed him again, but his neck this time he sighed, he would be doing this for awhile.

Thomas kissed his temple with a small giggle, then his arm, hand, knuckle, he went back to his face and kissed his nose and ear, sucking the lobe slightly. Logan finally let out a sigh and turned his head, kissing his lips.

"Are you satisfied?" He asked, Thomas nodded with a wide grin.

"Now can we cuddle while watching Disney?" Logan finally agreed and Thomas cheered in delight.

"Please do not make this a regular thing..."

I got the ideas from this!

I will be doing the requests I have soon, donut worry!

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I will be doing the requests I have soon, donut worry!

Thomas Sanders Sides OneShots 2 Where stories live. Discover now