Spider - Logan x Thomas

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Does anyone like this ship? I don't care haha

"Where is Patton?" Logan asked out of curiosity, turning to Thomas who was sitting next to him, a faint smile on his lips as he scrolled through Twitter.


"Hmm, what did you say, darling?"

Logan chuckled quietly, "I asked for Pattons whereabouts"

"Oh, he's cleaning the rooms! He must be doing yours now"

"Oh shi-"

A loud scream cut off Logan, it came from down the hall, Virgil flinched while Roman jumped up, sword appearing in hand. Seconds later Patton burst into the room, collapsing onto Roman who held him tightly.

"What's wrong?" Roman worried, sitting on the couch with Patton clinging tightly onto him.

"S-spider" he whispered, "big...s-spider" he weeped, poor Patton, it must've given him a fright.

"I see you have met my pet spiders" Logan spoke up, everyone turning to him quickly, eyes wide. "You have pet spiders?" Virgil asked, to astonished to scream.

Logan nodded, "I can show you, if you wish" he offered, everyone shook their heads and he sighed, standing up. "I shall see if they are alright" he spoke, vanishing to his room.

Thomas changed his mind and decided to follow his boyfriend, he peered in through the doorway, watching Logan go over to a shelf holding four boxes where you keep spiders.

"Are they tarantulas?" Thomas questioned, standing a few feet away, watching them slowly move around. Logan shook his head, "They are more...exotic than that - they are from the imagination"

"You can have pets from the imagination?" Thomas pondered, eyebrows knitting together as an idea formulated in his mind. Logan nodded in reply, feeding the last spider.

"What are they, then?"

Logan pointed to the one on the far right, "That one is a Goliath Birdeater Tarantula" he explained, Thomas eyes widening at the name. "This one" he pointed to the one next to it, "is a Phoneutria - or an armed spider" he said, smiling.

"Can you even keep these as pets?" Thomas questioned, leaning closer to the armed spider.

"They are all from the imagination so it does not matter" Logan replied, moving onto the next spider. "This is a wolf spider and last but not least is the black widow" he smiled, his pet spiders bringing him joy.

"Wow...aren't some of those...deadly?" Thomas whispered, as if speaking louder would make them angry.

"Yes but being from the imagination they will not attack you" Logan nodded, petting one of the spiders softly.

"Anyway" he said, closing the boxes. "I suspect Patton won't be here for awhile" Logan stated, heading to the door. Thomas took one last glance at the spiders before following after him.

"They are really cool" Thomas complimented, talking about the spiders. "Thank you - spiders deserve to be appreciated"

Thomas nodded in agreement, "have you ever seen spider paws zoomed in?" He asked excitedly.

"YES IT IS ADORABLE!" Logan yelled, clearing his throat he calmed down quickly. "My apologies - but they are quite cute" Thomas laughed, slipping his hand into Logans.

"Not as cute as you!"

"I would feel some sort of happiness from that compliment but as we look the same...I do not"

Thomas laughed once more, kissing his cheek. "I love you, Darling"

"As do I, Buttercup"

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