Chemistry 3 - Roman x Logan

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Roman sprinted down the hallway and burst into the living room, Virgil flinched into Pattons lap and Patton giggled happily.

He pointed at Logan who stared at him with a smirk. "FLUORINE, URANIUM, CARBON, POTASSIUM, URANIUM, GALLIUM, YTTRIUM, ARSENIC, SULFER!" He yelled.

"Oh not this again" Virgil muttered, resting on Patton. Patton laughed and cuddled him softly.

Thomas watched with a very confused expression, why has this become a thing?

Logan stood up and crossed his arms, his eyes narrowing. "Sulfer, arsenic, sulfer, yttrium, cobalt, carbon, potassium"

Roman snorted and bit his lip, looking away. Logan smirked and crossed his arms.

"Oxygen, potassium" he shrugged, "Yttrium, oxygen, uranium, tungsten, iodine, nitrogen"

"Iodine, potassium, nitrogen, oxygen, tungsten"

Roman smirked and kissed Logan's cheek before leaving.

"What were you saying?" Virgil had to ask. Logan shook his head, still wearing a little smile.

"Oh, nothing"

It is finished! I honestly loved doing this

Sorry to anyone who is annoyed haha!

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