Save Him 2 - Roman x Logan

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wOuLd YoU LiKe aM oR fMmmMmMMm

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wOuLd YoU LiKe aM oR fMmmMmMMm

The dragon witch wrapped its claws around Logans body in a tight grip, he thrashed and kicked but it was useless, Logan was flown across the land until they reached the castle.

"Your precious Roman won't save you now" The dragon witch cackled, Logan was tied to a chair and kept his calm, waiting for Roman to come because he knew he would.

The castle was dark, Logan kept thinking he could see things but it was just his imagination- nevertheless he was still throughly freaked out.

Suddenly Roman ran in, Logans eyes lit up but it didn't last, instead of Roman killing the dragon witch as Logan predicted he watched as his boyfriend was killed mercilessly by the dragon witch, ripping him limb from limb but keeping him alive so he could feel the pain.

Logan watched, unable to do anything.

A loud ear piercing, window shattering scream ripped through his throat and out of his open mouth, tears streamed down his face as he screamed and screamed, he felt the ground shake.

"Stop!" He bawled, struggling with all his might to free himself.



"No! Stop! Stop hurting him, please!"


Everything started to go black but Logan didn't stop screaming, he thrashed and kicked, punching the air as he cried and screamed.

He felt two hands push down his arms and he struggled against the force, crying out.

"Logan! Open your eyes!"

Logans eyes shot open on command and he stared at the slightly blurry face of Roman who was looming over him, through his peripheral he could see a worried Patton and a scared Virgil in the doorway.

His beating heart didn't slow down, he checked Roman over and sighed in relief when he was okay.

Relaxing against the mattress Roman slowly let him go, "Are you okay, kiddo? That seemed like a bad nightmare" Patton worried, walking over, Virgil shuffled to them and bobbed on his feet awkwardly.

"I...I am fine" Logan panted, sitting up and rubbing his watery, stinging eyes. The bed dipped and Roman wrapped his boyfriend in a warm hug, Logan leaned into the touch, wanting nothing more at that moment.

"What was...the nightmare about?" Virgil hesitated, Logan calmed his breathing down which in turn made his heart beat at a regular pace.

"Roman...d-dragon witch...she...she killed him" he whispered, eyes closed, gripping tightly to the royal.

"It wasn't real, I'm here, I'll never die, I'll always be here for you" Roman whispered, rocking back and forth slightly.

Patton and Virgil decided to leave them be, they closed the door and headed back to their own rooms.

"I..I am sorry if I awoke you, I did not mean it"

"Please don't apologise, it wasn't your fault, I want to help you in every possible way I can, how can I do that if I'm asleep?" Logan chuckled lightly and both of them laid down on his bed, Roman cuddled him close and kissed his forehead.

"You'll never see the dragon witch again, I promise!"

Logan smiled into his chest, closing his eyes and hugging him loosely.

"Thank you, Romeo"

"It's my pleasure, and it always will be..." Roman paused, "I need a nickname for you"

Logan shrugged lightly, "I do not have to have one"

"Yes, yes you do, it's the basic rules of being in a romantic relationship!" Roman exclaimed, humming in thought.

"What's your favourite candy?"

"I...I suppose I like gumdrops"

"Magnificent! I shall name you Gumdrop!"

Logan shook his head and chuckled softly, "Fine"

Roman smiled and hugged him close once more.

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