Cuddles - Roman x Logan

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Roman and Logan had been dating for awhile now, but after the first week into their relationship Logan realised something that should've been obvious.

Roman likes cuddles.

And it's not even on a normal scale, he likes cuddles so much he would spend the rest of his life cuddling Logan, and that says a lot. Logan doesn't mind per-say but if he has work and Roman is clinging onto him like a koala bear it can be a bit annoying.

You would think Patton likes them more but oh no, when Roman gets into a relationship is either extravagant shows of affection or cuddling for hours on end, there's no in between!

And Logan can't be mad, can he? Sometimes he does get away from Romans clutches but he can't outright say no, can he? Wouldn't that hurt his feelings?

Logan sighed and sat up in bed, he didn't have time to stretch his arms before Roman pulled him back down into their cuddle, it is an unspoken rule to not disturb someone's morning stretch and Roman has the audacity to think he is the only one who can break said rule.

"Roman" Logan complained, Roman mumbled something into his neck and held him tighter, wrapping any loose limb around him in a tight manner.

Logan sighed, he does love Roman but it takes awhile to get used to his cuddly, affectionate side.

"Please Roman, I need to relive myself" Roman sighed and slowly, limb by limb, let go of him.

"Be back quick" Roman murmured. Logan nodded and jogged from bed to the bathroom.

After he finished he brushed his hair and quickly put on some clothes before leaving to the kitchen. He made himself some breakfast and sat next to Virgil.

"Romans gonna be annoyed" Virgil mumbled groggily, as this happens every morning.

"I know" Logan sighed, rubbing his face.

"Dude just tell him" Virgil shrugged, it wasn't the easiest thing in the world, when Logan sees Romans face he can't just say he doesn't want to cuddle. He'd feel bad.

As Logan placed his bowl into the sink he paused, this isn't like him, this isn't like him at all. If he didn't want something he would outright state he doesn't want it, he would not hesitate, nor pause, nor think about what he is saying, he wouldn't take in peoples feeling to account because that's just not him.

And if Roman is dating him he would have to date all of him, not just the okay-I'll-cuddle-you-again side.

Logan walked with a steady pace back to Romans room, the royal trait was sprawled on his bed. Upon hearing Logan enter he titled his head and made grabby hands towards him.

Logan stayed put, far enough away Roman couldn't reach him from the bed.

"Loooogaaaaan" he whined.

Logan crossed his arms, "Roman, I do not want to cuddle" he stated firmly.

Roman paused and pouted. "I do not want to cuddle in the morning when I have work to do, we can cuddle during the night, some times during the day but not every minute you have some free time, I still have things to do, our relationship does not change that, please do not think I like you any less, I need sometime for you understand?"

Roman slowly sat up, "Oh....I'm sorry, I didn't realise what I was doing..." he frowned, casting his eyes down.

Logan sighed, this was the reason why he didn't want to say anything. Guilt - ugh he hated it.

Sitting himself next to Roman he gave the fanciful side a kinda awkward but at the same time reassuring rub on the back which earned a small smile from him.

"I just-I really love you, me, I worry about the people who are close to me, if you got hurt I would never forgive myself, I want to wrap you in bubble wrap and never let the world hurt you, but I know you would hate it" he sighed and flopped back onto the bed, "UGH! DILEMMAS!"

Logan shook his head, smirking. He laid down next to Roman and sighed, was he really about to do this?

He wrapped his arms around him and held him tightly, "protect me? Just for one more day?" He smiled.

Roman beamed and they laid back under the covers, Roman held him closely and Logan nuzzled his head into Romans chest, mumbling that this will not happen tomorrow.

Roman chuckled softly, "mmhmm, whatever you say..."

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