Your Death - Thomas x Virgil

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I'm bored

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I'm bored. I'm tired. I'm possibly drunk even though I haven't had alcohol. This is a stupid AU. Don't judge me.


"I've named my death!" Patton grinned, leaning on the table he was sitting at. His friends all turned to him, staring at the childish man questionably. "You named your death?" Roman asked for clarification. Patton nodded, "What about you?"

"Why would I- why would anybody name it?" Logan questioned, shaking his head. "All it is is a black, invisible ghost behind you" Roman shrugged, "Whats it's name?"


"Pan...great" Logan mumbled, finishing his food.

In this world your "death" is a deep black shadow that always stays behind you - never letting the human see it. It's invisible to anyone else but if you ever looked at it's face you would die instantly. It doesn't have a face - no details at all, it's a 3D shadow but if you looked in the general area, you would die.

Most of the population ignores it, but unfortunately for others they become insane. It's a rare thing, the idea that your "death" is behind you at all times - waiting for you to die could make you lose your mind - it usually happens to females but it's not common, fortunately.

Some people - like Patton - embrace that the death will be with you so they start conversation, your death can't speak but on rare instances the human is able to befriend it, but deaths don't usually do it, as it would be harder for them to take your soul and choose if you go to heaven or hell.

That's their job. Watch your life from start to finish to then choose if you spend eternity in heaven or hell.

Thomas, who was also with Patton, Roman and Logan thought about what Patton had done for the rest of the day. He wasn't surprised, Patton could make friends with anyone, but the idea of befriending your death intrigues him.

It interested him so much he tried it that day as soon as he got home.

Well - that's what he wanted to do but he put it off.

Now he was currently sitting on his bed, resting against the headboard, doing some work that needed to be done yesterday. Stupid procrastination.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw a black wisp but it was gone in an instant. Slowly putting down his book he knitted his eyebrows together, turning his head halfway. Deaths don't usually let you see them, they turn around with you if you try so that's why it surprised Thomas so much when he saw his death, a bit of him anyway.

He gulped. "Hi..." he mumbled, upon hearing his voice his death instantly shot behind him as if he didn't realise his human was looking at his arm.

Thomas frowned, turning to face forward once more. Instead of leaning on the headboard he shuffled down slightly, resting his work on his leg and hunching over it, giving space for his death to sit behind him.

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