Toys 2 - Patton x Logan

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Trigger warning: bad father

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Trigger warning: bad father

Logan and Patton were happily playing with his barbies, they didn't have a care in the world, just happy to be with each other.

It was nearing the end of the day and the two kids didn't notice the parents who started to walk in to collect their children. Logan felt a hand on his shoulder, pulling him up into a standing position.

Confused, Logan looked up and gasped when he saw his Dad who was glaring. He ripped the toy from his grasp and looked it over with hatred, "What have I told you about these?" He said in an angry voice, like playing with barbies was against the law.

"Dad I-"

"Don't" his Dad cut him off, he ripped the barbies head off and threw it across the playground.

"No!" Patton yelled, picking up the pieces. He began to cry and Logans Dad huffed angrily, "see" he pointed at Patton who was sitting on the floor and crying.

"Kids like him won't survive the real world, I forbid you from playing with him - he'll change you"

"But Dad-"

"No buts" his Dad growled, grabbing his arm in a painful grip he dragged him away. Logan looked over his shoulder and frowned, Pattons own Dad was consoling the crying child.

"I'm sorry" Logan whispered.

The next day was a Saturday and Logan had an idea, he grabbed some money he found lying around and left the house, his parents were still asleep, luckily.

He went from toy shop to toy shop, trying to find the toy Patton had. He almost gave up until something caught his eye, on a high shelf was the same toy!

Grinning Logan tried to reach it but he was too smol.

"Hey there" he heard a voice, turning around he saw a man who kneeled down and smiled at him.

"Do you want the toy?" Logan nodded and the man grabbed it for him, Logan took it with a small thank you.

"What's your name? I'm Thomas" Logan hesitated, he wasn't supposed to talk to strangers.

"Oh, stranger danger! Yeah...sorry" Thomas chuckled and stood up, ruffling his hair.

"Bye, Kid!" He grinned and walked off. Logan smiled and went to the till, the cashier was confused but Logan handed him the money - too much of it - and left before he was given his change.

He got home before his parents awoke and he hid the toy in his school bag ready for Monday.

x — x

"Hello, Patton" Logan greeted, Patton looked up from his barbies with a grin.

"Hi, Logy!"

"I'm sorry, my Dad did a I have this" Logan rummaged through his bag until he picked out the barbie.

Patton gasped, "You fixed it?"

"Um...I guess" Patton squealed and hugged him tightly, shocking him a bit.

"Yay! Thank you!" The two of them played with the toys happily, they had a feeling they would be good friends.

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