Imaginary Friend 2 - Virgil x Logan

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Alternative Ending

...Once the two got home, had some food and went to bed Roman stood in the doorway of their bedroom, watching the two cuddle.

Then, Virgil spoke.

"I love you..."

Romans heart dropped, he casted his eyes down and closed his eyes.

"As do I" Logan replied, smiling. Virgil let out a soft chuckle, hiding his head under Logans chin.

Roman slowly opened his eyes, lifting them to see his human. A smile grew on Romans face as he flew through the air, standing at the side of the bed. Logan looked up at him, smiling softly.

"Thank you" Roman whispered, "No, thank you" Logan mouthed back. "I love you, Logan" Roman chuckled, obviously meaning it in a best friend way.

"As do I" Logan mouthed back, playing with a strand of Virgils hair. Roman did a grand hand gesture before sinking away, excited to be with his human for longer.

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