Baby - Virgil x Logan

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Virgil sat on a stool, watching Logan work on an experiment he had been working on for the past few months, apparently if he put a drop on...anything it will keep it young, kinda like Rapunzels hair in tangled.

"Are you done yet?" Virgil mumbled, Logan sighed.

"No, Virgil, it will not be done for awhile" Virgil groaned and rolled his eyes, leaning back and glancing around the room.

"VIRGIL! Watch out!" Virgil spun back around but he wasn't quick enough, he felt a liquid splash on him and he looked at Logan, really confused.

"Log..." he paused and gripped the table, Logan eyes widened and he took a few steps back. Virgil slowly stood up and felt very dizzy, the room spun around him and he collapsed onto the floor.

"Virgil!" Logan paused, does he want to see what had happened? He slowly leaned over the table and gasped, Virgil was laying on the ground but it was the usual was a child version.

His clothes pooled around him and he stared at his small hands and arms, then at his body them up at Logan. "Logan? What happened? Why am I small!?" He asked, his voice noticeably higher.

"Uh...nothing to worry about!" Logan ran around the table and tentatively picked him up, holding him on his hip. "On the bright side my experiment worked....but I did not intend to turn you into a child"

"YOU WHAT?!" Virgil screamed, looking down at himself again. His sleeves were longer then his arms, along with his trouser legs.

"I need to show the others" Logan walked out of the room with Virgil still sitting on his hip. Virgil was scared, he didn't want to be a child. He wrapped his legs around Logan and rested his head on his shoulder, worry eating at him.

Logan walked into the living room, they were all sitting on the couch having a civil conversation.


They all looked at him, "Uh, why that Virgil?" Roman asked, standing up and walking over to him. Virgil whined and hugged Logan, hiding his face.

Patton and Thomas stood up to and stared in shock, "what did you do?" Thomas asked, Roman was grinning while Patton cooed and brushed his hair through his fingers. Virgils small hands clutched Logan and Logan sighed, bouncing him up a bit for a better grip.

"I accidentally spilled my experiment on him, I have an antidote but it will take awhile to get it to perfection..." Virgil lifted his head and stared at Logan, he could see the fear and worry in his eyes.

"Do not worry, Virgil" Logan pressed a kiss to his forehead, an action he knew Virgil liked.

"You will be an adult again before you know it, for now" Logan handed him to Patton.

"No! Wait!" Virgil grabbed Logan's arm, not only did he look like a child he acted like one, he didn't want Logan to leave.

"Virgil, I will be back soon" Logan reassured him, Virgil whined but watched him leave, he clutched onto Patton who smiled at him softly.

"Are you okay, Virgie?"

"No" he mumbled, Patton chuckled and sat on the couch with him on his lap, he cuddled up to him, Patton hugged him tightly.

"He really is young" Roman stared at him in wonder, "I'm finally taller than you!" He added, pointing his finger at him.

Virgil whined, "shut up!" He complained.

"Roman, stop teasing him" Thomas paused, "he's only...young" he bit back a laugh and Virgil began to cry, Patton rubbed his back.

"Hey! Don't be mean" Patton scolded. "It's okay, Virgil, Logan will fix this, okay?"

Virgil sniffled and nodded, his small hands grabbing the back of Pattons top. Patton smiled and they cuddled on the couch for a few hours, Virgil was getting more and more restless, he kept asking for Logan.

"I want him!" He complained, wriggling out of Pattons grip.


He dodged the others and ran out of the room towards Logan's, he nearly tripped on his clothes but managed to stay balanced.

"LOGAN! LOGAN!" He cried, running in. Logan looked up from his work and bent down, Virgil ran into his arms and hugged him tightly. Standing up with him in his arms he narrowed his eyes at the others.

"What did you do?"

Roman, who was behind Thomas and Patton, pointed at them but Logan knew it was him.

"If you cannot look after him, I will" Logan ushered the others away and sat at his desk with Virgil in his lap.

"I love you" Virgil mumbled. Logan smiled and was about to reply but paused, feeling a little weird to have romantic feelings towards a child. Technically he is still an adult, "I love you, too" He replied softly.

Going back to working on the antidote Virgil hugged him the entire time, mumbling every so often that he loved him. Child Virgil sure liked expressing his feelings more than adult Virgil, Logan didn't mind though.

A few hours passed and Virgil was nearly asleep when Logan leaned back, "Virgil...I finished"

Virgil looked at the bottle and back at Logan, waiting for him to let him have it.

"Oh, here" Logan smiled. Virgil drank the bottle and he felt the same dizziness as before. He held Logan's arms and grew on his lap, he reopened his eyes and sighed in relief, resting against Logan again. Logan smiled and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"Ugh, I hate how cuddly I was" he muttered, sitting up.

"I didn't" Logan replied, Virgil blushed.

"Shhhhh..." Virgil mumbled, turning away. Logan chuckled and stood up along with him.

"Let's agree to never change me again?" Virgil asked. Logan hummed, "But you did look cute-"

"Logan" Virgil said, a warning tone in his voice.

"Okay, I promise"

He might've broken that promise...


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