Period - Logan x Virgil

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Logan and Virgil were happily hanging out together in the living room, Virgil was sitting on Logans lap comfortably with Logans arms wrapped around his waist.

They were both silent - enjoying their presence.

That was until Virgil felt something...something in his lower region.

He suddenly sat up, eyes slowly widening.

"What is wrong?" Logan asked, eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"Uhm..." he slowly started to blush deeply. "I..uh-.." he stood up, instantly regretting it. Logan sat up, watching as he stayed deadly still.

"Towel - something, anything!" Virgil suddenly yelled, making Logan flinch.

"A towel?" Logan repeated, Virgil nodded quickly and Logan dashed to the bathroom, grabbing a black towel before teleporting back to Virgil who was in the exact same position.

"Why do you need this?" Logan asked, watching him put it in between his legs. He came to the conclusion he was either peeing or on...his period?

"Uhm...come with me? Please?" Virgil begged, looking at his boyfriend. Nodding Logan helped Virgil to his bathroom. He waited outside until he heard Virgil call his name.

"Logan? You'll probably hate me for this but...could you go into my top draw and get the..things?"

"I could never hate you, Dear"

Logan headed to the draw, opening the top one.

"Things?" He mumbled to himself. He saw a pair of boxers and pulled one out, then a pad came into his vision.

"Do you need those things?" Logan called, Virgil replied with a yes and Logan slipped it through the door.

A few minutes later Virgil walked out, blushing deeply. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that" He instantly apologised, biting his lip.

"Oh, no it is perfectly alright, but why did you not tell me sooner?"

Virgil shrugged, staring at his feet. "Its...embarrassing"

"It does not make you any less of a man, Virgil" Logan placed a hand on his shoulder, Virgil looked up at him bashfully.


Logan nodded, "of course" he smiled. Virgil awkwardly shuffled into a hug, resting his head on Logans shoulder.

"I love you.."

"As I you"

Sorry if its bad, thanks for the request!

Sorry if its bad, thanks for the request!

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