Left Out - Roman & Patton

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Patton noticed Roman wasn't acting himself, it wasn't just today, whenever they were all hanging out he always noticed Roman to keep to himself and not involve himself much, he also frowned a lot to.

Patton wanted to help him, obviously - he would help everyone who is upset - so one day he skipped to Romans room and knocked on the white wood.

"Hey, Roro!" He called, walking in before he got a reply. Roman instantly sat up from his desk, his whole face lighting up.

"Hey, Patton! How are you? I hope you are well!" He bombarded, standing in front of the Dad like trait. Patton giggled, smiling widely at his happy behaviour. Maybe he was okay after all.

"I am well! Thank you, Roro!"

"What brings you here? You know what, it doesn't matter! Why don't we play a game? Or we can go for a walk with the dogs!" Roman summoned the cute, black dog he summoned in the last video.

Patton gasped and cooed, playing with him happily, completely forgetting why he came in here in the first place.

Roman smiled and summoned his own dog, Patton excitedly agreed to taking them for a walk in the imagination, and they did.

They brought balls for the dogs to fetch and treats whenever they would do a trick, it turned out to be a really fun day.

"Thank you, Roro! I had a lot of fun today!" Patton grinned, hugging his dog (that he decided to keep for his own) closely to his chest in a protective manner even if there was no danger around.

Roman smiled brightly, letting his own dog flop on his bed and sigh out in content.

"I'm glad you enjoyed! I had fun, to" Roman stated. He wasn't lying, or faking, he truly had a lot of fun with Patton today.

Patton was about to leave when he suddenly remembered why he came here earlier that day.

"Roro, before I go...are you okay?"

Roman shrugged, scratching his neck. "Most of the time yes...but there are times where I feel a little down, why do you ask?" Roman smiled once again, holding his arms behind his back.

"Oh, well" Patton paused and let his dog rest in his cat pouch. "Whenever we are all together you seem sad...maybe I'm seeing things" Patton chuckled, "but I'm worried, if anything is bothering you promise to tell me?"

"...do I tell you now, then? I wouldn't want to break a promise"

He's upset now? Patton thought with a frown, "Yeah! Go ahead, Roman!"

"Well..." he looked away and cleared his throat. "You act like a Dad towards Virgil and Thomas, sometimes even Logan, they're like...your sons, but you never do it towards me..." Roman frowned, "I'm sorry if I sound like a whiny kid but sometimes I feel...left out"

Patton frowned, "Aw, Roro, why didn't you tell me sooner?" Patton let his dog onto the floor and brought Roman into a hug. Roman hugged back, resting his head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to sound rude"

"It's okay, kiddo! You don't sound rude at all! I have now adopted you as my son!" Patton giggled, pulling back and wearing his heartwarming smile.

Roman smiled back, hands clasped on his forearms, Patton doing the same to him.

"Thank you...Dad...? Can I call you that?" Patton nodded, beaming.

"Yes! You're adorable" Patton grinned, ruffling his hair affectionately.

"Thank you, Dad"

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