Room Remodel - Patton x Logan

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Patton wanted to change up his room a bit, specifically his bedroom. He just wanted to move the bed to the corner, and the cupboard to the other side of the room, and his desk someplace else. Little things.

He also wanted to paint his walls a light blue, one wall having a rainbow, the others having clouds near to the top. The ceiling could have glow in the dark stars stuck to it, making it cool to stare up at during the night.

He smiled, beginning the work that will take all day.

First he pushed the bed out of the room, placing it haphazardly in the hallway, next he dragged and pushed the cupboard out (with a lot of struggle) leaving it next to the bed. Along came his desk and bedside table, he took down pictures from the wall, and a few toys lying around on the floor.

"Perfect" he grinned, looking around his empty room.

While Patton was remodelling Logan was heading down the hallway, book in his hand, he didn't notice the furniture in the hallway as he was reading which was why he tripped onto the bed, slamming his face into his book.

He groaned. "Patton!"

He heard a small 'oops' and a giggle.

Sitting up he made his book disappear, looking at everything else resided in the hallway. "What are you doing?"

"I'm changing my room!" Patton replied, Logan noticed he was wearing old clothes, a few splotches of blue paint already staining it. He sighed, brushing his hair that fell over his eyes back to its usual place. He decided to help the bubbly trait, knowing he would end up breaking something.

He clicked his fingers, his clothes changing into old ones, ones that could get stained. Patton watched him, eyes widening in happiness. "You wanna help?!"

"Want to" Logan corrected, heading past the smiling Patton. "And yes" he added, picking up a paint brush.

"What do you have in mind?"

The next few hours was spent painting the entire room blue, Logan advised it before Patton painted the rainbow and clouds. Once finishing Patton spun around to face Logan but his paintbrush slipped, hitting Logan's chest and leaving a stain. He stared down at it, slowly lifting his eyes to Patton who was suppressing a laugh.

"I...I..I didn't meant to!" He giggled, screaming happily when Logan tried to throw paint at him back, Patton ran around the room, dodging the paint Logan threw with a happy laugh.

Suddenly he tripped over a paint bucket, landing on the floor in a giggling heap.

"Are you alright?" Logan asked, standing over him, Patton nodded, grinning.

"I'm fine!"


Logan poured paint over his stomach, smirking after. Patton gasped, shivering from the cold paint. He stood up, it slowly running down his legs. He looked up at Logan mischievously, Logan knowing what he would do instantly.

"Patton, no-!"

Too late, Patton had him wrapped up in a hug. "Oh" he sighed, "that is cold" he mumbled, smiling slightly at Patton who pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"Thank you for your help!"

"It was my pleasure"

Once the paint had dried Logan helped Patton with the rainbow and clouds. While they let that dry during the night Patton slept over in Logan's room, cuddling the logical trait tightly.

The next day Logan helped Patton with putting his furniture in the correct places Patton wanted, at around midday they had finally finished. Both exhausted but happy they flopped on Pattons newly made bed, staring up at the near invisible stars. It was still bright so they didn't work yet.

Patton rolled over to Logan, kissing him before resting his head on his shoulder, smiling in content with his eyes closed. "Thank you, Logan" he mumbled quietly, holding his hand gently.

Logan smiled, "You are welcome, Love"

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