Love For Logan - Logan x Patton x Virgil x Roman

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"We haven't shown him much affection lately" Patton frowned, Roman and Virgil agreed, they have all been in a relationship for a few months, obviously Logan knew the least about emotions but that doesn't give them the excuse to n show him any affection at all, they love him as well.

"What could we do?" Virgil asked, Patton looked away in thought and hummed. "He doesn't like anything too extravagant" he replied, glancing at Roman.

"But he doesn't want anything to simple" he added, "and cuddles aren't his favourite" Roman commented, Patton nodded and leaned back on the sofa.

"Maybe he could...hmm, no" Virgil shook his head. They all thought for a few more minutes.

"He likes smart things..." Roman tried

"And Patton likes cookies, but we don't do anything with cookies to show him affection" Virgil mumbled.

Roman sighed, "we could ask him?"

"I don't think he even knows what kind of affection he likes"

The sides began to brainstorm again, they voiced their suggestions and another said what was wrong with it.

During their brainstorming Logan walked in and glanced at each of them, "What are you doing?" He asked, making them jump.

"Oh, hi Logy!" Patton jumped up and stood in front of him with a smile. "We were thinking of the best way to show you affection!"

" weren't supposed to tell him" Virgil sighed, Patton frowned, "Oh...oops"

Logan watched them curiously, "show me affection?" He repeated, Roman nodded, standing next to Patton with Virgil.

"Yes, we noticed we haven't given you much love as of late, we all truly feel sorry, Logan!"

Logan merely shrugged, "As long as you do not forget me I do not mind"

"We would never forget you, Logan!" Patton instantly said.

"Yeah...and besides, we want to...give you affection" Virgil mumbled, a little embarrassed. Logan smiled a small smile, "Do not worry, it is quite alright"

Patton frowned and wrapped his arms around Logan's waist, pulling him into a hug. Logan hadn't been hugged in awhile and it felt nice, he hugged back and rested his head on his shoulder, Roman joined in and Virgil hesitantly did as well, Logan smiled.

"Maybe we could all watch a documentary about space?"

"Sounds cool" Virgil agreed, "yeah, we have been watching a lot of Disney lately" Patton giggled.

"How dare you insult Disney"

"What was that, Roman?"

"Hmm? Oh! I said that would be a wonderful idea, Logan" Logan rolled his eyes and they all sat on the couch, Logan being hugged from both sides as they watched the documentary.

"Thank you, I forgot how nice it was to cuddle all of you"

"Aww!" Patton grinned, kissing his cheek.

"We love you!"

"I have romantic feelings for you all, too"

Tell me if there are any typos cus I can't be bothered to check haha

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