Bad Guy 2 - No Ship

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Hot damn

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Hot damn

To everyone, you are now blessed, you're welcome (as in the gif, not the Mickey Mouse song)

The sides waited in anticipation for the new Morality, it didn't take long before a light blue smoke started to slowly appear in the middle of the living room. They all sat up, Virgil bit his lip in worry, they were all worried, even if a side turning evil is the rarest thing on the planet it's not impossible.

The blue smoke twirled around like a tornado before it vanished, leaving a dazed looking Morality in its place. He looked the same as the old one, black rimmed glasses, grey cardigan, light blue shirt, the sides involuntarily flinched back.

Morality's eyes met with Thomas's who looked nervous, they all waited for him to say something, anything.

A smile creeped up onto his lips, "Hi!" He waved enthusiastically, "I'm Morality! Who are you?" Thomas visibly relaxed and stood up, walking over to his new Morality. He felt emotions surge through him once more and he smiled, shaking his hand but Morality pulled him into a hug.

"I'm Thomas" he greeted, "that's Logic, Prince and Anxiety" He introduced, not knowing if they would be comfortable giving their names out yet.

"Hiiiiiiiii!" Morality giggled, waving at each of them.

"Greetings" Logan replied

"Hello new and improved Morality!" Roman grinned, throwing his arms up.

"...suuuuup" Virgil awkwardly spoke.

After the introductions Morality turned back to Thomas, "what happened to the old Morality?" He pondered, the Sides gave each other nervous looks and Thomas cleared his throat.

"He...went...crazy" he hesitated on each word, Morality quickly became confused.


"He was evil, he went insane" Logan clarified, Patton frowned and deflated slightly.

"Oh, he didn't hurt you, did he?" Logan and Roman turned their heads to Morality couldn't see the scars but he already took note of them.

"He did..." Morality frowned further and nearly cried. "Hey, its okay, it's fine" Thomas calmed him down.

"You're here now...and you'll be amazing" Thomas smiled, Patton smiled back bashfully and Roman gave him the grand tour of Thomas's house and the mind, he let Morality change his room which was the old Morality's room to whatever he wanted.

"Do you know the basic ropes to taking care of our host?" Logan asked once Morality entered the living room. He nodded with a smile, clasping his hands together.

"He might cry at...anything, for the first few days but I promise I'll get it under control!"

"I have my full faith in you" Roman smiled, hugging him tightly before disappearing.

Logan explained to him a few other things and left for his room, leaving Morality and Virgil alone.

Virgil was still a bit scared and as Morality walked over he pressed himself into the couch.

"Oh...I'm sorry" Morality frowned, Virgil shook his head, indicating it was okay.

Morality sat on the couch and opened his arms, Virgil (with a lot of hesitance and nervous glances) shuffled close and they shared a hug.

"I like you more than the old Morality" Virgil mumbled into his shoulder.

Morality chuckled, "That's good!"

And they all lived happily ever after.

Thanks for the request!

Thanks for the request!

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Also, new favourite gif! ^^^^

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Also, new favourite gif! ^^^^

Thomas Sanders Sides OneShots 2 Where stories live. Discover now